Virtual Bartender, an example of viral marketing, is an online video feature that allows visitors to interact with a barmaiden (Playboy Model Tammy Plante). When Tammy recognizes a request, such as "pour me a beer," "dance on the bar" or "fight like a Jedi," she happily carries out the task and then returns to her idling position to await your next request. There are over 120 different actions and thousands of different words and phrases that she will react to.Since then, they have created a second one with 2 girls instead of 1.

The results

Launch - Thursday 4 November 2004 (between 9:00 p.m. and Midnight Eastern Standard Time)10 emails were sent out to friends of from their office to beta testVirtual Bartender”. No other form of marketing was used and there werent any links from the home page or any other sites. No search engine marketing, banner ads or offline media have been used to promote this pieceits success was purely viral.

Day 1

Friday 5 NovemberMore than 15,000 sessions. The firstFan Forumappeared from the UK where young DJs talked about the commands they discovered.

Day 2

Saturday 6 NovemberSessions began doubling - 30,000. MoreFan Forumsappeared around the world (Holland, Italy, Japan, USA)

Day 6

Wednesday 10 NovemberOver 500,000 sessions. Still going viral - The only way to get the Virtual bartender was through forwarded emails and the increasing number of 'Fan Forums' appearing in search engines.
Average length of visit: 7 minutes
Page views: 7,980,000

By day 28 the site had reached 10 million sessions. It is still getting hundreds of thousands of visitors each week.

Awards: Virtual Bartender won 'Best Interactive Viral' at the 2004 [ Viral Awards] .

External links

* []
* [ Game, downloads, codes and informations]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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