SHERPA (organisation)

SHERPA (organisation)

SHERPA (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access) is a project team, originally set up in 2002 to run and manage the SHERPA Project. This was an endeavour to support the establishment of a number of open access institutional repositories based in UK universities. SHERPA, the organisation, is sometimes erroneously referred to as the SHERPA Project. SHERPA is managed by Bill Hubbard.

As well as a staff team based at the University of Nottingham, 33 research institutions and organisations comprise the [ SHERPA Partnership] . The makeup of this partnership includes many if not all of the most research active and significant institutions in the UK and provide practitioner led experience to the project team.


SHERPA’s work in supporting open access and repositories on a nationals and international level was recognised in 2007 with the award of the [ SPARC Europe Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scholarly Communication]

Current Projects & Services

SHERPA is involved as a full or advisory partner in a number of projects and services, which include currently.
* Repositories Support Project (RSP) - support service for UK repository growth
* SHERPA/RoMEO – definitive listing publishers' copyright agreements & retained author rights
* JULIET - Research Funders Archiving Mandates and Guidelines
* OpenDOAR - a directory and tool for worldwide open access repositories
* the Depot – UK based interim repository (stemming from the PROSPERO project)
* UKCoRR - United Kingdom Council of Research Repositories, professional organisation for UK Open Access repository administrators and managers
* DRIVER (Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research) - developing a cross-European repository network infrastructure

Past Projects

* SHERPA Project - which helped develop archives in research-led institutions
* SHERPA Plus - expanding the repository network in the UK
* SHERPA DP - looking at preservation models
* PROSPERO - scoping an interim repository for UK academics
* EThOS - developing a national eTheses service

External links

* [ SHERPA web site]
* [ RSP web site]
* [ OpenDOAR site]
* [ RoMEO service]
* [ JULIET service]
* [ UKCoRR web site]

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