Károly Klimó

Károly Klimó

Károly Klimó (pronounced|ˈkaːroj ˈklimoː, born May 17, 1936) is a Hungarian artist, one of the most well-known Hungarian artists of the present day.

Born in Békéscsaba, he studied art from 1956 to 1962 at the Budapest School of Fine Arts, and had his first solo exhibition in 1977 in Budapest. Thereafter, he undertook numerous trips abroad to study in several European countries, the United States, Iran, and South Korea. In 1990, he became a professor at the Academy of Art in Budapest. He currently lives and works in Budapest in the area of the Disk Lake, as well as making frequent stays in Germany and Austria. His work has been exhibited in dozens of solo and group exhibitions around the world, and some of his works are collected at, among other places: the State Art Gallery in Mannheim, Germany, the Albertina in Vienna, the Seoul Art Museum, and the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest.


* [http://www.klimokaroly.hu www.klimokaroly.hu] - Károly Klimó's official website.
* Karoly Klimo, "Bilder und Zeichnungen", Munich: Matthes & Seitz Verlag, 1998, ISBN 3882219424
* "Klimó Károly (mit einem Vorwort von László F. Földényi)", ISBN 9636763224

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