2007 Tabasco flood

2007 Tabasco flood

The 2007 Tabasco flood occurred in late October and early November 2007 in the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas, in which as much as 80% of the former was left under water. At least 20,000 people were forced to seek emergency shelter. Over 1,000,000 residents were affected.


The southern Mexican state of Tabasco is bordered by the states of Veracruz to the west, Chiapas to the south, and Campeche to the north-east. To the east Tabasco borders with the Petén department of Guatemala, and to the north with the Gulf of Mexico. Tabasco is in the northern half of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The state capital is Villahermosa.

The hydrology of Tabasco is complex. Most of the state is a wide coastal plain crossed by rivers coming from the mountains further south in Chiapas and Guatemala. The two main rivers in the region are the Río Grijalva and the Río Usumacinta, which converge before draining into the Gulf of Mexico north of Villahermosa through the wildlife-rich wetlands known as the Pantanos de Centla.

These rivers are considered mature, since they are in the lowest part of their course, and the plain they cross allows them broad, wide flows, meandering and dividing into separate branches. This is the case with the Grijalva, which separates into several branches in the central part of Tabasco (known locally as the Río Carrizal, Río Samaría and Río Mezcalapa). These three rivers converge at Villahermosa, where they recombine and again take the name Grijalva. The main branch of the Grijalva in Chiapas is dammed by the country's four largest hydroelectric plants.

Causes of the floods

The Tabasco floods caused largely by the sinking of the land over the last century. The constant extraction of petroleum and gas, the construction of dams in the zone, the erosion of land and deforestation have all contributed toward making this region more flood-prone. Deforestation has allowed silt to fill in rivers thereby reducing their capacity and making floods more likely. [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/18/AR2007111800962.html] With the onset of constant rainfall due to a low pressure system located nearby, the combination of these influences contributed to making the flood event even worse that it might otherwise have been.

Some have suggested that Global warming has increased sea levels, making water regions at the low sandy zones of the Gulf of Mexico disappear. However, sea level rises due to global warming are probably still negligible in their contribution to these floods.

A number of sources point to the misuse of hydroelectric dams as a cause of the floods. Hydroelectric plants in the dams of Tabasco share the production of electricity with newer, private, more expensive gas plants. Investors complained that government owned plants cover most of the production of the electricity, lowering the price, and have put pressure on the government to lessen production on hydroelectric plants in order for them to sell more energy and raise their profit levels. This allegedly led to the dams retaining more water than they should have done. [ [http://www.la-verdad.com.mx/principal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4700&Itemid=29 La Verdad del Sureste - Se hubiera prevenido la inundación desde hace un mes: Govea Sansón ] ] [ [http://macroeconomia.com.mx/articulos.php?id_art=1756&id_sec=39&num_page=4574 La Comisión Federal de Electricidad responsable por las inundaciones, denuncia AMLO ante la PGR - Macroeconomia ] ] [ [http://www.milenio.com/mexico/milenio/firmawp.asp?id=564814 Milenio.com ] ] [ [http://youtube.com/watch?v=qZZa_ARB8a0 YouTube - Tabasco y la Luna ] ]


Tabasco was subject to heavy rain in late October and early November 2007, causing widespread flooding. As much as 80% of the state was under water.cite news | url=http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/5276812.html | title=Mexicans missing after flood, landslide | author=Verdugo, Eduardo | work=Chron.com | publisher=Hearst Corporation | date=November 62007|accessdate=2007-11-06] At least 20,000 people were forced to leave their houses in the search of emergency shelter.cite news | url=http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/world/5262972.html | title=Tens of thousands flee Mexico flooding | author=Adams, Lisa J. | work=Chron.com | publisher=Hearst Corporation | date=October 312007|accessdate=2007-11-06] Over 1,000,000 residents have been affected.cite news | url=http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/11/02/mexico.floods.ap/index.html |title= Devastating floods prompt outbreak fears in Mexico | work=CNN.com | publisher=Turner Broadcasting | date=November 22007 |accessdate=2007-11-06] cite news | url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21590403 | title='Mini-tsunami' buries Mexican village - Landslide leaves 16 missing as other flooded areas try to recover | work=MSNBC.com |date=November 62007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]

The 2007 Tabasco flood not only destroyed many family houses and took away people’s belongings, but also affected theaters, libraries, artistic schools and museums. One of the buildings affected was the house of the poet Carlos Pellicer Cámara, which ended up under the water. The house where the poet lived his childhood is located in Narciso Sáenz 203, in the center of Villahermosa, Tabasco.Another historical house affected is located at 620 Calle Lerdo de Tejada, in Villahermosa, close to Carlos Pellicer’s house. The house once was occupied by José Gorostiza, the author of the ‘’Muerte sin fin’’ poem, his brother, the dramatist Celestino Gorostiza, and the man of letters Andrés Iduarte. [cite news | url=http://estadis.eluniversal.com.mx/cultura/54568.html | title=Desastre en Tabasco, inicia el recuento de daños| work=ElUniversal.com.mx | language=Spanish | date=November 82007 |accessdate=2007-11-12]

Economic impact at national levels will be insignificant. There is important damage in the fields which is causing increases in banana and cacao prices. cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/460099.html | title=Tabasco| work=Universal.com.mx |date=November 82007 |accessdate=2007-11-09] . The flood in Tabasco will not affect the economy in Mexico as much. Guillermo Ortiz Martínez, president of the Banco de México (the central bank), agrees that Mexico will not have excessive inflation because of the Tabasco flood. But some prices of products will increase such as banana and cacao. [cite web |author= Notmimex |title=Será bajo el impacto inflacionario por inundaciones en Tabasco: Ortiz |publisher=Open Publishing |url= http://espanol.news.yahoo.com/s/08112007/4/negocios-impacto-inflacionario-inundaciones-tabasco-ortiz.html&printer=1 |accessdate=2007-11-11] The General Peasant Confederation informed that because of the flooding, 100% of the harvests are lost. This represents an economic damage of US$480 million. President Felipe Calderón has sent seven thousand and five hundred people to help people in Tabasco. This is because of the major damage to roads, houses, and farms. cite news | url=http://www.aporrea.org/internacionales/n104164.html | title=Tragedia en Tabasco sobrepasa la del huracán Katrina | work=aporrea |date=November 32007 |accessdate=2007-11-09] . The flood destroyed agricultural production in the state of Tabasco, the largest producer of cocoa in the country and a major source of bananas, but is not expected that losses affect international prices, experts said on Friday. Tabasco produces 80% of all Mexico's cocoa and 40% of its bananas, according to Luis Rey Carrasco Linares, an expert from the Autonomous University of Chapingo with his squad in Tabasco. The heavy rains that punished the state for more than a week occurred during the cocoa harvest, which lasts from September to December, Carrasco said. All this year's harvest is under water and was lost, he added. The loss will have its greatest impact for the more than 30,000 families who earn their living in the production of cocoa, Carrasco said, adding that before the flood, farmers were grappling with aplague of fungus. cite news |url=http://noticias.aol.com/articulos/canvas/_a/inundaciones-arruinan-la-agricultura-de/n20071109185109990021 | title=Inundaciones arruinan la agricultura de fértil región mexicana |date=November 92007 |accessdate=2007-11-09] .

"The situation is extraordinarily serious: This is one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the country" said President Felipe Calderón in a televised address on the night of November 1, 2007.

The Tabasco flood caused the loss of thousands of books from the Villahermosa central library and 78 other libraries from five different municipalities. The Grijalva River affected the infrastructure and works of the José María Pino Suárez State Library where the entire vault is full of water. The water also flooded the auditorium causing widespread damage to furniture and equipment, rising to the second floor and damaging 15,000 books from the general collection. cite news |url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/estados/66587.html | title=Miles de libros dañados en bibliotecas |date=November 122007 |accessdate=2007-09-13] .


*October 232007: An accident that occurred amid storm conditions in the Bay of Campeche necessitates the evacuation of a Pemex oil exploration platform. In the rescue operation, 23 workers' lives are lost and, days later, a major oil slick arrives on the coast of Campeche and Tabasco. Heavy rain continues to fall over the southern Gulf Coast for the remainder of the week. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/estados/66404.html | title=Llega a Tabasco fuga de petróleo de Campeche | work=ElUniversal.com.mx | language=Spanish | date=October 292007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*October 302007: In the afternoon of 30 October, the Río Grijalva and some of its affluents begin to break their banks. Flooding alerts are broadcast over local TV and radio for the municipalities of Centro, Cunduacán, Jalapa, Jalpa de Méndez, Nacajuca and Tacotalpa. Evacuations of towns at greatest risk begins. The federal Secretariat of the Interior issues a declaration of emergency for the entire state. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/estados/66412.html | title=Lluvias ‘ahogan’ a 150 mil en Tabasco | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=October 302007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*October 312007: Tabasco Governor Andrés Granier announces that 70% of the state is under water and 300,000 people affected. Damage is also reported to the south in Chiapas, along with the first reports of missing people. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/29843.html | title=Tabasco, bajo el agua; 300 mil afectados | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=October 312007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 12007: Granier states that "80% of the state is probably flooded" and gave a figure of 400,000 people affected. President Felipe Calderón tours the affected area and, that evening, addresses the nation on television to report on the gravity of the situation. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/29850.html | title=Tabasco, un edén devastado | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 12007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 22007: In the early morning hours, the Grijalva breaks the dykes in Villahermosa and the city's central district is ordered evacuated. A million people's homes are under water. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/29854.html | title=Colapso: un millón bajo agua | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 22007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 32007: With the authorities fearing looting in Villahermosa, the army is deployed at supermarkets to ensure order. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/estados/66448.html | title=En Tabasco temen ‘ola’ de saqueos y violencia | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 32007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 42007: Some shops and lorries are looted in spite of the army presence. Residents relocated to shelters complain about inadequacies in the distribution of aid. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/29866.html | title=Llega la ayuda; falla el reparto | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 42007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 52007: Food shortages are reported at the shelters. Calderón visits the area for a third time and announces a "fiscal amnesty" plan for the state including the cancellation of tax payments and electricity bills. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/29869.html | title=Invade desesperación a damnificados de Tabasco |work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 52007 |accessdate=2007-11-06] In the evening, a landslide washes away 50 houses in the village of Juan del Grijalva on the Tabasco-Chiapas border; 70 people are reported missing. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/459446.html | title=Chiapas: 70 desaparecidos tras alud en | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 62007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 62007: The water levels in both the Grijalva and the Carrizal fall significantly overnight. Pumping begins to drain the city of Villahermosa. [cite news | url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/459565.html | title=Prevén iniciar hoy desagüe en Villahermosa | work=ElUniversal.com.mx |language=Spanish | date=November 62007 |accessdate=2007-11-06]
*November 172007: Panic spreads as rumors of a river blockage at Juan del Grijalva in the Upper Grijalva river will destroy the Penitas dam and re-flood Villahermosa with greater devastation. [Fact|date=November 2007]

Causes and Prevention

Tabasco is one of the richest states in Mexico in terms of petroleum, however it is one of the poorest states in terms of social services and health. It has been widely claimed that the disaster could have been prevented or at least limited, but the money that was assigned to infrastructure has vanished. The National Water Commission (CONAGUA) was responsible for the construction of hydraulic repairs in the “Peñitas’ ditch”, which would have reduced the impact of the water in Tabasco. Authorities are making plans to avoid the repetition of this tragedy, elaborating on the existing flood management systems constructed after the floods of 1999. This hydraulic infrastructure will include the construction of borders, breakwaters and sea walls to fight the sea, as well as dredging the rivers to increase peak capacity. [cite news | Reforma| title=Culpa Granier a la CNA| language=Spanish | date=November 072007 |accessdate=2007-11-11] [cite news | Reforma| title=Lo más grave apenas inicia| language=Spanish | date=November 112007 |accessdate=2007-11-11]



The flood tragedy resulted in great national unity among people living throughout Mexico as well as an outpouring of support from abroad. Hundreds of people from all parts of Mexico made donations including those from states that were in previously similar crisis such as Hurricane Dean victims. Entertainers such as Alejandro Fernández, Thalía, members of Los Tigres del Norte, Jaguares, Hombres G, Lorena Ochoa [http://www.mediotiempo.com/mas_deportes/noticia.php?id_noticia=9215] , Místico [http://www.mediotiempo.com/mas_deportes/galeria.php?id_galeria=246] and Miguel Bosé [http://www.esmas.com/musica/pop/noticias/676812.html] have also shown their support. Many Mexican football clubs, along with their football players, also collected significant donations.

Economic consequences

One week after the severe flooding, the capital of the state was in bankruptcy in part because flooding has affected various settlements. According to the local Chamber of Commerce, almost 15,000 establishments in downtown Villahermosa suffered losses of 100% in their infrastructure and inventories. This situation might cause a severe recession in the local economy, because many of these business beside having lost all their invested capital, have obligations with their suppliers, payments delayed with the government and workers' wages. cite web |url=http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/nacion/155726.html|title=El Universal|accessdate=2007-11-11 |author=El Universal|language=Spanish]


The disappearance of persons, acts of looting, lack of supplies and skin diseases are some of the effects suffered by thousands of victims in Tabasco. cite web|url=http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2007/11/05/internacional/1194230408.html |title=Miles de damnificados en el estado de Tabasco sufren enfermedades y saqueos|accessdate=2007-11-12 |author=elmundo.es|language=Spanish] Drinking water and food shortages brought on by flooded roads in Tabasco prompted several looting incidents at abandoned homes and businesses.cite web |url=http://badnewsmexico.blogspot.com/2007_11_01_archive.html|title=Bad News From Mexico|accessdate=2007-11-12 |author=Bad News From México |language=English]

The worst incident took place Saturday morning when around 1,000 people overran a downtown shopping center in Tabasco, overwhelming law enforcement officials posted in the area, and making off with everything in sight, including televisions and home appliances.

Since the beginning of the disaster, many civilians denounced the existence of many vandalism groups. These groups started entering abandoned houses and also stole everything, Many special security operations have taken place along the damaged areas of Tabasco. One of the most important actions taken was proposed by Felipe Calderón that consisted to bring military troops together with federal police to the state of Tabasco. This operation was taken in order to prevent looting and vandalism.

"People are going hungry, we're aware of that," Governor Andrés Granier said on television after the looting incident, "but being hungry doesn't justify such behaviour and outright attacks."

Floods in Tabasco observed from Space

The floods that had affected Tabasco were observable from the space, as seen in images from NASA.A system of low pressure was the phenomenon that unleashed strong and constant rains in southern Mexico from October 28 and for several days.The Spectrum-radiometer of Image of Moderate Resolution of the satellite Aqua of NASA took the image of the floods on November 3, 2007.


External links

* [http://www.tabasco.gob.mx Homepage of the Government of the State of Tabasco]
* [http://www.proteccioncivil.chiapas.gob.mx/default.asp Homepage of the Government of the State of Chiapas]
* [http://www.tabascohoy.com "Tabasco Hoy" newspaper (local)]
* [http://www.diariodelatarde.com "Diario de la Tarde" newspaper (local)]
* [http://fotos.eluniversal.com.mx/fotogaleria/wfg.html?gal=4091 Photo gallery en "El Universal" - a major national daily]
* [http://www.elmundo.es/albumes/2007/11/02/inundaciones_mexico/index.html Photo gallery in "El Mundo" - a major Spanish newspaper]
* [http://www.flickr.com/groups/tabascodisaster/ Flickr images of the flooding]
* [http://www.tabascoflood.com/ Awareness page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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