Sorbus hupehensis

Sorbus hupehensis

name = "Sorbus hupehensis"

image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Rosales
familia = Rosaceae
genus = "Sorbus"
subgenus = "Sorbus"
species = "S. hupehensis"
binomial = "Sorbus hupehensis"
binomial_authority = C.K.Schneid.

"Sorbus hupehensis" (Hubei Rowan or Hupeh Rowan; Chinese: 湖北花楸 "hu bei hua qiu") is a species of rowan native to central and western China.Flora of China: [ "Sorbus hupehensis"] ]

It is a small deciduous tree growing to 5–10 m tall, with grey-brown to purplish-brown bark. The branches and shoots are slender. The leaves are green above, paler beneath, 10–15 cm long, pinnate with 7-17 narrow oval leaflets 3–5 cm long and 1–1.8 cm broad, with an acute apex, and serrated margins. They change to orange or red in autumn. The flowers are 5–7 mm diameter, with five white petals and 20 yellowish-white stamens; they are produced in corymbs 6–10 cm diameter in late spring to early summer. The fruit is a pome 5–8 mm diameter, bright pink with persistent sepals, maturing in late autumn.

There are two varieties:
*"Sorbus hupehensis" var. "hupehensis". Leaves with 9-17 narrow leaflets. Most of the species' range.
*"Sorbus hupehensis" var. "paucijuga" (D.K.Zang & P.C.Huang) L.T.Lu. Leaves with 7-9 broad leaflets. Shandong Province.

Cultivation and uses

It is grown as an ornamental tree, valued for its white fruit contrasting with the orange autumn colour.

In cultivation, it has often been confused with the related "Sorbus glabrescens" (White-fruited Rowan) and "Sorbus oligodonta" (Kite-leaf Rowan) from southwestern China. The former differs in being a larger tree (to 15 m) with stouter shoots and larger leaves, the latter in having pale pink fruit; both are tetraploid apomictic species which breed true. The cultivar 'Pink Pagoda', often cited as belonging to "S. hupehensis", is of "S. oligodonta".Rushforth, K. (1999). "Trees of Britain and Europe". Collins ISBN 0-00-220013-9.]


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