- Soldiers for the Truth Foundation
The Soldiers For The Truth Foundation is an
501(c)(3) public charity organization in the United States dedicated to military reform. Its stated mission is to inform the public, Congress, and the media on issues related to the training, readiness, equipment and leadership of US armed forces. [http://www.sftt.org/about.html About Soldiers For The Truth] ] The Foundation is registered as a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of theInternal Revenue Code . [ [http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/eopub78.zip (ZIP compressed) IRS list of 501 (c) organizations]
[http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=96136,00.html IRS Search page] ] Notable issues in which the foundation has been involved include campaigning for better body armor for troops serving in Iraq and contributing to coverage of the abuse of prisoners atAbu Ghraib .History and organization
Soldiers For The Truth grew out of the regular opinion pieces written by the late
David H. Hackworth from the early 1990s on, originally titled "Defending America ". [ [http://www.sftt.org/ht.html A collection of Col. Hackworth's columns] ] Though donations are solicited from readers, Col. Hackworth also used the profits from his own book sales to help fund the organization. [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/story/0,,582658,00.html Guardian article: "America's 'elite' troops"] "On his return from Australia, he wrote About Face, a chronicle of his war experiences. It became a best-seller, as did three further books, the profits from the last two of which have been ploughed into Soldiers For The Truth, Hackworth's non-profit foundation."] Weekly email newsletters were composed by a group of like-minded veterans, their friends and spouses, including R.W. Zimmermann, Bill Rogers, Kate Aspy, Barry "Woody" Groton, Ed "Edgar" Schneider, and Kyle Elliot.Fact|date=November 2007 Later contributors included author and civilian security analyst Paul Purcell, [ [http://www.disasterprep101.com/Author.htm About Paul Purcell]
] and Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a whistleblower who criticised the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans as "Orwellian". [ [http://www.laweekly.com/news/news/soldier-for-the-truth/1977/ L.A. Weekly article on Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski] ]As of 2007, the foundation's board includes Hackworth's widow Eilhys England, Maj. John Falcon, US Army Retired and Lt. Col. Gary Stahlhut, US Army Reserve Retired.
In October 2001, as the American military prepared for its campaign in Afghanistan, Col. Hackworth assessed the readiness level of most of the troops as follows: "I would be reluctant to jump into a battle zone with any conventional American unit. I would hate to take them into battle - they ain't ready, they are not 'good to go'." He was also critical of the 'elite' troops that were expected to lead the assault. [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/story/0,,582658,00.html Guardian article: America's 'elite' troops] "I hear a lot of rhetoric about the famous 10th Mountain Division. In World War II it was unquestionably America's finest unit - trained for three years, made up with men from Colorado, Montana, Idaho, really tough men, experts in mountain fighting. What we have now in the 10th Mountain Division is a bunch of kids that are better qualified to play computer games than they are to fight in that kind of terrain."] Hackworth has repeatedly stated that the American military is weakened by a combination of senior officers who are primarily concerned about their own careers above the welfare and training of their troops, and a culture of misdirected and wasteful expenditure.
In May 2004, the
New York Times reported that Mr William Lawson, the uncle of an Army reservist serving as a prison guard in Iraq, contacted SFTT by email on 23 March to express his frustration that the guards would become scapegoats for the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, when Lawson himself believed the abuses were "evidence of a complete breakdown in training and authority in the Iraqi prison system". Lawson wrote in his email: "We have contacted the Red Cross, Congress both parties, Bill O'Reilly and many others. Nobody wants to touch this." The staff at SFTT put Lawson in touch with researchers working for60 Minutes II , which broadcast a documentary on the subject within five weeks. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B01E4D9143CF93BA35756C0A9629C8B63 NY Times article] ]In May 2007, incoming SFTT president John Falcon stated that the Pentagon-approved "Interceptor" body armor, issued to
US Marines serving in Iraq, did not provide adequate protection against armor-piercing bullets. Falcon said that according to a secret Pentagon report, 80% of marines killed due to torso wounds between 2003 and 2005 would have survived if they had been wearing adequate body armor. SFTT continues to campaign for soldiers to be issued with a tougher, more protective body armor called "Dragon Skin". Marines interviewed on the subject appreciated the group's campaign, saying, "Anytime you get better equipment to the Marines, soldiers and sailors, it would make us that more dominant so it would be a good thing." [ [http://www.kiiitv.com/home/7562752.html kiii TV - South Texas] ]As of 2007, SFTT is preparing legal action to compel the Pentagon to acknowledge and assist Vietnam veterans who were exposed to the defoliant Agent Blue during the Vietnam War. The cause of Col. Hackworth's death was "a form of cancer now appearing with increasing frequency among Vietnam veterans exposed to the defoliants called Agents Orange and Blue". [ [http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/dhhackworth.htm Col. Hackworth's obituary page at the Arlington Cemetery website] ]
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