- Talcott Williams Seelye
Talcott W. Seelye (
March 6 ,1922 –June 8 ,2006 ) was a former United States Ambassador,author , and commentator.Seelye was born in
Beirut the son of a professor at theAmerican University of Beirut , and great grandson ofJulius H. Seelye (famedpreacher ,writer and fifth president ofAmherst College ). He attendedDeerfield Academy and then graduated fromAmherst College in1944 and enlisted in theU.S. Army for a three year term duringWorld War II . After a career in theUS Foreign Service , he served as anambassador in the middle east under two presidents. He is the father ofKate Seelye , a reporter who works forNPR .In editorial articles, television commentary, and other public appearances, Seelye had been criticized
Israel formilitarism and US foreign policy in support of such policies. Within the framework of America's pro-Israel lobby (seeAIPAC , Seelye has often been portrayed as anAnti-Zionist Arabist. He has been monitored by pro-Israel groups such asCommittee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America ("CAMERA"),Middle East Forum (with itsCampus Watch project), and theWashington Institute for Near East Policy , who have worked to undermine his reputation with accusations such as ties to oil companies and the Saudi ArabianHouse of Saud . Detractors includeSteve Emerson ("The American House of Saud: The Secret Petrodollar Connection"),Daniel Pipes ,Martin Kramer , David Horowitz, andRobert D. Kaplan .After the 2001 9/11 Attacks, Seelye again found himself in the spotlight as an expert on Middle Eastern affairs and continued to advise
think tanks and policy making groups. He also continues to come under attack, such as an "Atlantic Monthly " article Robert D. Kaplan in which he wrote of Seelye that such "Arabists and other area specialists may be emotionally involved, through marriage or friendship, with host countries -- often causing them to dislike the policies that Washington orders them to execute." Recently, Seelye and over 50 former US ambassadors and government officials signed the Middle East Policy Council's letter to Pres. Bush, criticizing US policy on theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict , specifically Israeli Prime MinisterAriel Sharon 's unilateralGaza withdrawal plan, announced in 2004 and enacted in 2005 (letter cited below), which followed earlier British diplomats' letter to Prime MinisterTony Blair .Service Chronology
Written Works
* "U.S.-Arab Relations: The Syrian Dimension" (Portland: Portland State University Press, 1985) ISBN 0-916729-02-8
* " [http://www.palestine-studies.org/final/en/journals/content.php?aid=2178&jid=1&iid=101&vid=XXVI&vol=125 Journal of Palestine Studies] " - review of "Syria and Israel:" by [http://www.usip.org/specialists/bios/archives/maoz.html Moshe Ma'oz] (1996)
* [http://www.ameu.org/summary1.asp?iid=103 AMEU "The Link"] - book review (1995)
* " [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0377-919X%2528199524%252924%253A2%253C90%253AMAR%253E2.0.CO%253B2-S Journal of Palestine Studies] " - review of "Deliberate Deceptions" by Paul Findley (1995)
* Numerous articlesU.S. Department of State Documents
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/nixon/e1/45259.htm Memorandum] - on TWA hijacking (1969)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2676.htm Memorandum] on military supply program in Jordan (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2676.htm Memorandum] on Arab-Israeli impasse (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2676.htm Memorandum] on message toKing Hussein of Jordan (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2674.htm Memorandum] on audience with King Hussein (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2673.htm Memorandum] on message for King Hussein (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2672.htm Telegram] on 1967 ceasefire (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2672.htm Telegram] on Lebanon's views on 1967 ceasefire (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2671.htm Telegram] on discussions of Jordan's internal defense (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2673.htm Memorandum] on message to Jordanian prime minister Talhouni (1968)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26162.htm Memorandum] on Yemen Situation (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26162.htm Memorandum] on conversation with Crown PrinceFaisal of Saudi Arabia (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26162.htm Memorandum] on Yemen situation (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26162.htm Paper] on US position on the recognition of theYemen Arab Republic (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26162.htm Telegram] on Assistant Secretary Philip Talbot's meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Faisal in New York (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26160.htm Paper] on death of Yemeni imam Ahmed bin Yahya (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xviii/26160.htm Memorandum] of conversation between Assistant Secretary Philip Talbot and Saudi Crown Prince Faisal in New York (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xvii/17717.htm Memorandum] on matters from White House meeting between PresidentJohn F. Kennedy and KingSaud of Saudi Arabia (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xvii/17713.htm Memorandum] of conversation between President Kennedy and King Saud (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xvii/17711.htm Circular Airgram] from USDOS to US embassies in Kuwait and United Kingdom (1962)
* [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xvii/17710.htm Memorandum] on upcoming meeting between President Kennedy and King Saud (1961)Works about or mentioning Seelye
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/15/us/15seelye.html T. W. Seelye, 84, Ambassador and Mideast Expert, Dies] Margolit Fox (New York Times)
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/14/AR2006061402099.html Notes on a Diplomatic Life] Kate Seelye
* [http://www.boston.com/news/globe/obituaries/articles/2006/06/12/talcott_seelye_leading_envoy_in_middle_eastern_affairs_at_84/ Talcott Seelye, leading envoy in Middle Eastern affairs; at 84] Patricia Sullivan (Boston Globe)
* [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/washingtonpost/access/1056370971.html?dids=1056370971:1056370971&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&fmac=&date=Jun+11%2C+2006&author=Patricia+Sullivan+-+Washington+Post+Staff+Writer&desc=Talcott+W.+Seelye Notes on a Diplomatic Life: Talcott W. Seelye] Patricia Sullivan (Washington Post)
* [http://www.wrmea.com/archives/August_2006/0608048.html In Memoriam: Talcott Williams Seelye (1922-2006)] Andrew I. Kilgore (WRMEA)Citations (Favorable)
* U.S. Department of State: [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/po/com/11286.htm ambassador to Syria] , [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/po/com/11323.htm ambassador to Tunisia] , [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/nixon/e1/52995.htm chairman for Jordan Hijacking Working Group] , [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xx/2625.htm country director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq] , [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/kennedyjf/xvii/17700.htm officer in charge of Arabian Peninsula Affairs]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/hijacked/filmmore/pt.html PBS] - interviewed for "Hijacked" (2006)
* " [http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2006/01/holy_warrior.html Mother Jones] " - recollections about 1950s ally Said Ramadan of theIslamic brotherhood (2006)
* [http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/000412.html WashingtonNote.com] - signatory of letter to U.S. SenatorRichard Lugar opposingJohn Bolton 's nomination as US ambassador to the United Nations (2005)
* " [http://www.dacorbacon.org/Bulletins/2005/July/July.htm DACOR Bulletin] " - contribution in memoriam for Louise Schaffner Armstrong (2005)
* [http://www.mepc.org/whats/LettertoBush.asp MEPC Letter to President Bush] - signatory of letter to President Bush opposing Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza withdrawal plan (2004), following ( [http://www.mepc.org/whats/LettertoBlair.asp Letter to Prime Minister Blair] (also listed by " [http://www.wrmea.com/letter_to_bush.html WRMEA] ")
* [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/jan-june01/mideast_4-17.html PBS News Hour] - interview transcript (2001)
* [http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0006/10/bn.01.html CNN] - interview regarding death of Syrian presidentHafez al-Assad (2000)
* [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2000/06/000602-lebanon1.htm Voice of America] - on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon (2000)
* " [http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/2840 Foreign Policy in Focus] " - "The U.S. and the Israeli-Syrian Peace Process" byStephen Zunes (2000)
* " [http://www.thejerusalemfund.org/images/fortherecord.php?ID=184 For the Record] " - transcript of discussion withMilton Viorst (1999)
* [http://openweb.tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/1996-4/1996-04-17-CNN-27.html ABC News] - interview withJudy Woodruff on fighting in Lebanon between Israel and the Hizballah (1996)
* [http://www.summitcouncil.org/history.shtml Summit Council for World Peace] - panelist on discussion of the Middle East in the 1990s and World Peace (1993)
* " [http://talesmag.com/tales/books/reviews/arabists2.shtml Journal of Palestine Studies] " - review of "The Arabists" by former US AmbassadorRichard B. Parker (1993)
* [http://contact.wlu.edu/History/index.htm Washington and Lee University] - speaker (1991)
* " [http://www.wrmea.com/backissues/0490/9004027.htm Washington Report on Middle East Affairs] " - biographical interview (1990)
* [http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/Findley_They_Dare_to_Speak_Out_ch_5.htm WhatReallyHappened.com] - excerpt fromPaul Findley 's book "They Dare to Speak Out" on controversy over Seelye's cable toStephen Solarz (1989)
* [http://www.law.uc.edu/archives/butlerdata/Box16.html Papers of William J. Butler] - correspondence on Rhodesia (1976)
* [http://openweb.tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/1976-6/1976-06-22-ABC-6.html ABC News] - appointment as ambassador (1976)Citations (Unfavorable)
* " [http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200307/kaplan Atlantic Monthly] " - Robert Kaplan continues attacks on Seelye (2003) - see [http://www.globalspecialoperations.com/supremacy.html complete article]
* " [http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-safian061003.asp National Review] " - Seelye as Arabist (2003) by Alex Safian, associate director of CAMERA
* " [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jpost/access/345154231.html?dids=345154231:345154231&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=May+23%2C+2003&author=Andrea+Levin&pub=Jerusalem+Post&edition=&startpage=14&desc=National+Public+Radio+Off+the+Map Jerusalem Post] " on National Public Radio's bias (2003) [pay archive]
* " [http://www.danielpipes.org/article/885 Wall Stree Journal] " - Daniel Pipes article reviewing Robert Kaplan's book "The Arabists" (1999)
* " [http://www.danielpipes.org/article/608 American Spectator] " - review by Daniel Pipes of "Assassination in Khartoum" byDavid Corn (1994)
* " [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jpost/access/99881114.html?dids=99881114:99881114&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Apr+1%2C+1994&author=Miriam+Kraus&pub=Jerusalem+Post&edition=&startpage=28&desc=DEMISE+OF+IDEALISM Jerusalem Post] " on Arabist (1994)
* " [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jpost/access/99880705.html?dids=99880705:99880705&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Mar+23%2C+1994&author=MICHAEL+WIDLANSKI&pub=Jerusalem+Post&edition=&startpage=08&desc=HOW+AMERICA+SEES+THE+REGION Jerusalem Post] " on Seelye cable to Stephen Solarz (1994)
* " [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jpost/access/99198823.html?dids=99198823:99198823&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Aug+25%2C+1989&author=Compiled+by+Pamela+Kidron&pub=Jerusalem+Post&edition=&startpage=11&desc=A+GUIDE+FOR+THE+PERPLEXED Jerusalem Post] " (1989)
* " [http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/jpost/access/99198972.html?dids=99198972:99198972&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&date=Aug+8%2C+1989&author=By+WALTER+RUBY&pub=Jerusalem+Post&edition=&startpage=02&desc=THREATS+AGAINST+ARAB-AMERICANS+FOLLOWING+HANGING+OF+COL.+HIGGINS Jerusalem Post] " (1989)
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