British Nutrition Foundation
- British Nutrition Foundation
The British Nutrition Foundation is a British registered charity. According to it's homepage it promotes the wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based knowledge and advice on the relationship between diet, physical activity and health. [ [§ionId=305&which=7] British Nutrition Foundation homepage, Retrieved on 2008-10-8] It was founded in 1967 by Professor Alastair Frazer.
It's members are amongst others Coca Cola Company, Mc Donald's, Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Nestle and Unilever. [ [§ionId=305&which=7] British Nutrition Foundation homepage, Retrieved on 2008-10-8]
External links
* [ British Nutrition Foundation homepage]
* [ Sourcewatch: British Nutrition Foundation]
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