Mala Prespa and Golo Brdo

Mala Prespa and Golo Brdo

Prespa e Vogël and Golloborda (Slavic "Mala Prespa and Golo Brdo"), refers to a geographical area situated in southeastern Albania. This region is made of two areas Presa e Vogel is one and Golloborda is the other area. The region Prespa e Vogel is located west of Lake Ohrid and Prespa and forms the southeastern part of Albania including areas of the Korçë, Pogradec and Devoll districts. Golloborda is area near Diber, Librazhd and Elbasan and there are both Macedonian and Albanian villages. These two areas are primarily populated by Macedonians and Albanians but also by a small number of Aromanians, Bulgarians and Turks. The official report from Albania is that there is only an ethnic Macedonian minority recognized among the Slavic nationalities.

Towns and Villages in the regions

The villages in this area are with mixed ethnicity, primarily ethnic Macedonian and Albanian population.

Golo Brdo

* Trebishtë (Требишта/Trebišta)
* Ostern (Острен/Ostren)
* Tërbaç (Трбаче/Trbače)
* Lladomericë (Ладомирица/Ladomiri
* Otisani (Отисани/Otisani)
* Gjinovec (Ѓиновец/Ginovec)
* Pasinkë (Пасинки/Pasinski)
* Tuçepi (Тучепи/Tučeni)
* Vrbnica (Врбница/Vrbnica)
* Klenjë (Клење/Klenje)
* Stërblevë (Стеблево/Steblevo)
* Džepištë (Дџепишта/Džepišta)

Korçë - Pogradec

* Korçë (Корча/Korcha)
* Pogradec (Поградец/Pogradec)
* Lin (Лин/Lin)
* Blacë (Блаца/Blaca)
* Piskupati (Пискупати/Piskupati)
* Uduništë (Удуништа/Uduništa)
* Tservenaka (Червенака/Červenaka)
* Memlištë (Мемлишта/Memlišta)
* Zagragja (Врмова/Vrmova)
* Golik (Румен/Rumen)
* Zerveskë (Зерваска/Zervaska)
* Sterova (Старова/Starova)
* Zagoreçan (Загоричан/Zagoričan)
* Stropkë (Стропчке/Stropčke)
* Llëngë (Лешница/Lešnica)
* Çerava (Черава/Čerava)
* Piskupijë (Пискупија/Piskupija)
* Drenovë (Дреново/Drenovo)
* Boboshticë (Бобошица/Boboshica)
* Vernik (Врбник/Vrbnik)

Mala Prespa - Liqenas/Pustec

* Bezmishtë (Безмишта/Bezmišta)
* Goricë e Vogël (Долна Горица/Dolna Gorica)
* Gollomboç (Глобочани/Globočani)
* Goricë e Madhë (Горна Горица/Gorna Gorica)
* Liqenas (Пустец/Pustec)
* Belas (Шулин/Šulin)
* Cerja (Церје/Cerje)
* Zvedzë (Звезда/Zvezda)
* Leskë (Леска/Leska)
* Pakičkë (Пакичка/Pakička)
* Zagradeçi (Заградец/Zagradec)

See also

*Counties of Albania

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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