left — I. /lɛft / (say left) adjective 1. belonging or relating to the side of a person or thing which is turned towards the west when facing north (opposed to right). 2. belonging or relating to the political left. –adverb 3. to or towards the left… …
left-handed — /ˈlɛft hændəd / (say left handuhd) adjective 1. having the left hand more serviceable than the right; preferring to use the left hand. 2. adapted to or performed by the left hand. 3. situated on the side of the left hand. 4. moving or rotating… …
left wing — /lɛft ˈwɪŋ / (say left wing) noun 1. members of a socialist, progressive, or radical political party or section of a party. 2. such a group, party, or a group of such parties. 3. Sport that part of the field of play which forms the left flank of… …
left-footer — /lɛft ˈfʊtə/ (say left footuh) noun 1. Soccer a player who uses the left foot to kick the ball and who is positioned accordingly. 2. Australian Rules, Rugby a player who uses, or prefers to use, the left foot to kick for goal. 3. Chiefly Irish… …
left-hand — /ˈlɛft hænd/ (say left hand) adjective 1. on or to the left: left hand drive. 2. of, for, or with the left hand …
left field — /lɛft ˈfild/ (say left feeld) –noun Baseball 1. the part of the outfield to the left of the batter as he or she faces the pitcher. 2. a fielder in this position. –phrase 3. from (or out of) left field, Colloquial a. completely unexpected …
left foot — /lɛft ˈfʊt/ (say left foot) verb (t) 1. (in football) to kick (the ball) with the left foot. –phrase 2. kick with the left foot, Colloquial to be a Roman Catholic …
left-hand drive — /lɛft hænd ˈdraɪv/ (say left hand druyv) noun 1. an arrangement of a motor vehicle in which the steering wheel and other controls are fitted on the left hand side. 2. a vehicle with a left hand drive steering system …
left-hander — /ˈlɛft hændə/ (say left handuh) noun 1. a left handed person. 2. a blow with the left hand …
left back — /lɛft ˈbæk/ (say left bak) noun (in soccer, hockey, etc.) the fullback on the left side of the field of play …