Methylene blue — Methylene blue … Wikipedia
eosin–methylene blue agar — an agar medium containing peptone, lactose, eosin Y, methylene blue, and dipotassium phosphate; sucrose may be added. It is used for the primary isolation of species of Enterobacteriaceae. Called also EMB a … Medical dictionary
Methyl blue — Identifiers CAS number 28983 56 4 … Wikipedia
stain — 1. To discolor. 2. To color; to dye. 3. A discoloration. 4. A dye used in histologic and bacteriologic technique. 5. A procedure in which a dye or combination of dyes and reagents is used to color the constituents of cells and tissues. For… … Medical dictionary
Growth medium — An agar plate an example of a bacterial growth medium. Specifically, it is a streak plate; the orange lines and dots are formed by bacterial colonies. A growth medium or culture medium is a liquid or gel designed to support the growth of… … Wikipedia
agar — A complex polysaccharide (a sulfated galactan) derived from seaweed (various red algae); used as a solidifying agent in culture media; it has the valuable property of melting at 100°C, but not solidifying until 49°C. [Bengalese] bile salt a. an a … Medical dictionary
EMB — Abbreviation for eosin methylene blue. See eosin methylene blue agar. * * * embryology; endomyocardial biopsy; engineering in medicine and biology; eosinmethylene blue; ethambutol; explosive mental behavior * * * emb abbr embryo; embryology * * * … Medical dictionary
dye — A stain or coloring matter; a compound consisting of chromophore and auxochrome groups attached to one or more benzene rings, its color being due to the chromophore and its dyeing affinities to the auxochrome. Dyes are used for intravital… … Medical dictionary
Romanowsky stain — Ro·ma·now·sky stain or Ro·ma·now·sky s stain also Ro·ma·nov·sky stain or Ro·ma·nov·sky s stain .rō mə nȯf skē(z) n a stain made from water soluble eosin, methylene blue, and absolute methanol and used in parasitology Romanowsky Dimitri… … Medical dictionary
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary