Narrow money supply

Narrow money supply

The narrow money supply or the monetary base (MO) is the term used to describe notes and coins held by the public and notes and coins held by the banking system as reserves against withdrawals.

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  • money supply — / mʌni səˌplaɪ/ noun the amount of money which exists in a country COMMENT: Money supply is believed by some to be at the centre of control of a country’s economy. If money supply is tight (i.e. the government restricts the issue of new notes and …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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  • money supply — The amount of money in the economy, consisting primarily of currency in circulation plus deposits in banks: M 1 U.S. money supply consisting of currency held by the public, traveler s checks, checking account funds, NOW and super NOW accounts,… …   Financial and business terms

  • Money supply — M1 A: Currency plus demand deposits M1 B: M1 A plus other checkable deposits. The New York Times Financial Glossary M2: M1 B plus overnight repos, money market funds, savings, and small (less than $100M) time deposits. The New York Times… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Narrow Money — A category of money supply that includes all physical money like coins and currency along with demand deposits and other liquid assets held by the central bank. In the United States narrow money is classified as M1 (M0 + demand accounts), while… …   Investment dictionary

  • narrow money — An informal name for M0, or sometimes M1: the part of the money supply that can directly perform the function of a medium of exchange Compare broad money …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • M4 money supply — With reference to the UK economy, M4 is a definition of the money supply denoting Broad Money , a wide definition of the volume of sterling in the economy, encompassing notes and coin as well as money held in bank accounts. The measure is… …   Wikipedia

  • money — currency and coin that are guaranteed as legal tender by the government, a regulatory agency or bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary at the money out of the money in the money NYSE Euronext Glossary * * * money mon‧ey [ˈmʌni] noun …   Financial and business terms

  • money market — the short term trade in money, as in the sale and purchase of bonds and certificates. [1925 30] * * * Set of institutions, conventions, and practices whose aim is to facilitate the lending and borrowing of money on a short term basis. The money… …   Universalium

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