Albert Suerbeer

Albert Suerbeer

Albert Suerbeer (ca. 1200 – 1273) was the first Archbishop of Riga in Livonia.

Suerbeer was an aggressive supporter of papal power and tried to take over the whole eastern Baltic area for the Holy See. His efforts failed, however, and he was forced to submit to the Livonian branch of the Teutonic Knights.


Suerbeer was born in Cologne. He studied in Paris, received a degree of magister, and became the canon in Bremen. After the death of Albert of Riga in 1229, he was appointed Bishop of Riga by Archbishop of Bremen Gerhard of Oldenburg. The canons of Riga did not recognize his appointment and elected their own candidate Nicholas, who was confirmed by Pope Gregory IX in 1231.

In 1240, Suerbeer became Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, where he was known as Alberic the German. After taking part in the First Council of Lyon in 1245, he left Ireland, as Pope Innocent IV needed him in Germany in his struggle against Emperor Frederick II. Upon returning to German, however, the Pope appointed him Archbishop of Prussia, Livonia, and Estonia, and later also a legate to Gotland, Holstein, Rügen, and Russia. In 1246 he was given also the vacant Diocese of Lübeck in Germany.

The Teutonic Knights were wary of Suerbeer and warned him to stay away from Prussia. After Bishop Nicholas of Riga died in 1253, Suerbeer finally received the Bishopric of Riga he had claimed over 10 years. According to a compromise arranged by William of Modena, Albert promised to stop his activities against the Teutonic Order. Bishoprics subordinate to Riga included Dorpat, Ösel-Wiek, Courland, Sambia, Pomesania, Warmia, and Culmerland.

In 1267, however, Suerbeer allied himself with Gunzelin von Schwerin, son of the Count of Schwerin, who had came to Livonia as a crusader. He appointed Gunzelin an advocate (governor) of his diocese which resulted in deep conflict with the Livonian Order. While Gunzelin was recruiting troops in Germany, the Order arrested Suerbeer and kept him imprisoned with only bread and water. Suerbeer was forced to recognize the authority of the Order. Suerbeer died in Riga in 1273.


* Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie: Vol.1, P.202 []

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