- Association of Universities of the Canadian Francophonie
Association of Universities of the Canadian Francophonie (known by the acronym AUFC for its French name, "Association des universités de la francophonie canadienne") promotes
university education in minorityfrancophone communities inCanada , through cooperation between its member institutions. In the community it serves, each member institution plays a crucial role incultural ,social andeconomic development . The Association represents its member institutions on topics of mutual interest before theGovernment of Canada , national and international organizations.Members
The association is made up of the following 13 institutions which promote university education within minority francophone communities in Canada: [http://www.uottawa.ca/vr-etudes-academic/en/aufc.html ]
* Campus Saint-Jean, of the
University of Alberta inEdmonton, Alberta
* Institut français, of theUniversity of Regina inRegina, Saskatchewan
*Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface inSaint-Boniface, Manitoba
*Université de Hearst inHearst, Ontario
*Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario
*University of Sudbury in Sudbury,Ontario
*Glendon College inToronto, Ontario
*Royal Military College of Canada inKingston, Ontario
*University of Ottawa inOttawa, Ontario
*Saint Paul University inOttawa, Ontario
*Dominican University College inOttawa, Ontario
*Université de Moncton inMoncton, New Brunswick
*Université Sainte-Anne inChurch Point, Nova Scotia Most of these institutions were founded by members of the
Catholic clergy to serve isolated Francophone communities. While some institutions maintain religious missions, others have assumed specialized vocations such as theRoyal Military College of Canada . [http://www.uottawa.ca/vr-etudes-academic/en/aufc.html ]While some member institutions only offer study programs in French, others are bilingual (English/French). Some of the institutions are located in small
Francophone communities while others are located in heavily populated Francophone areas.The office of the association is located at:260, rue Dalhousie, bureau 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7E4 [http://www.uottawa.ca/vr-etudes-academic/en/aufc.html ]Canadian Francophonie Scholarships Program
The AUCC has been the executing agency of the Canadian Francophonie
Scholarship Program (CFSP) since July 1, 2006. The Government of Canada funds the CFSP program in its entirety. CFSP is a scholarship program which builds institutional capacities by training nationals of 37 developing countries of La Francophonie. [ www.aucc.ca/programs/intprograms/francophonie_e.html Scholarships ] The program is administered by the Canadian Partnership Branch of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). [ [http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/acdicida.nsf/En/RAC-35850-HCQ Voluntary sector - Canadian Francophonie Scholarships Program ] ]National exchange program
The AUFC promotes student exchanges for undergraduate, Masters and doctoral students among member institutions. [ [http://www.uottawa.ca/international/exchanges/abroad_12.html International Office - University of Ottawa ] ]
AUFC Action Plan
AUFC's action plan for 2007–2012 focuses on supporting its
research community and the internationalization of member institutions. The AUFC wants to play a connecting role between Official Language Minority Community (OLMC) researchers and the federal funding agencies.* creation of an advisory committee on research in June 2006,
* development of a strategy to enhance researchers' ability to obtain funding from research funding agencies (e.g concerning Francophone minority communities).
* adoption of a support plan for research on Francophone minority communities on May 31, 2007
* implementation of priority activities of this plan [ [http://www.ocol-clo.gc.ca/html/stu_etu_012008_p5_e.php OCOL - 4. Best practices and recommendations ] ]The action plan also aims to attract more students and increase the
diversity of the student body. [ [http://www.ocol-clo.gc.ca/html/speeches_discours_13092007_e.php OCOL - Winnipeg, September 13, 2007 ] ]AUFC Research
A 2005 AUFC study evaluated the state of technological infrastructure within Canada’s francophone universities and recommended on its future directions. [ [http://www.risq.qc.ca/nouvelles/nouvelle_item.php?LANG=EN&ART=1463 Upgrades to francophone networks | RISQ ] ]
AUFC Partners
AUFC partners include the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS),
La Cité collégiale , French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario, Consortium des universités de la francophonie ontarienne (CUFO), andAgence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF). [ [http://web5.uottawa.ca/vision2010/consultation/state-of-affairs.html State of Affairs | Task Force on Programs and Services in French | Vision 2010 ] ]References
External links
* [http://www.aufc.ca Association of Universities of the Canadian Francophonie] official website
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.