Andreas Latzko

Andreas Latzko

Andreas Adolf Latzko (January 1, 1876 - November 11, 1943) was a Hungarian novelist. Born in Budapest, Hungary on January 1, 1876, he served as a line offer for the Austro-Hungarian Army during the Great War, ultimately deserting. Inspired by the horrors he had witnessed, he wrote his best-known novel, 1918's "Men in War". The book was widely praised at the time, with one critic describing the novel's theme of "disillusionment and an almost morbid sympathy with mental and physical suffering" as well as "a prevailing nihilistic tone", and the New York Times describing it as "a bitter attack upon the by-products of the Teutonic military idea." ["Current Opinion". June 1918, Page 424. Vol LXIV, No. 6.] His biography of the Marquis de Lafayette was published in 1935 and was quickly translated into English. Latzko moved to the Netherlands in 1931, and lived there until his death on November 11, 1943 in Amsterdam.


*"Friedensgericht" (1918, translated as "the Judgement of Peace") []
*"Menschen im Krieg" (1918, translated as "Men in War") []
*"Sieben Tage" (1931)
*"Lafayette" (1935, translated as "LaFayette: a Life")


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