Il Foglio

Il Foglio

Infobox Newspaper
name = Il Foglio

type = Daily newspaper
format = Broadsheet
foundation = 30 January 1996
owners = Il Foglio quotidiano Società cooperativa
political = Liberalism,
circulation = 13,000 (2006)
headquarters = Via Victor Hugo 1, Milan, Italy
editor = Giuliano Ferrara
language = Italian
website = []

"Il Foglio" is an Italian right-wing newspaper, founded in 1996 and with circulation around 13,000 units per day. It was founded on 1996 by journalist and politician Giuliano Ferrara, after he left the direction of the magazine "Panorama".


The main characteristic of "Il Foglio" (meaning in Italian "The sheet") is to be formed by an only sheet of paper (like it used to happen in newspapers in the 19th century) with a summary of the most important news of the day and analysis on them. Recently the width of the newspaper has grown with inserts, extra pages that are published on the newspaper especially on Saturday.

"Il Foglio" is one of the few Italian newspapers completely readable on the internet for free.


"Il Foglio" is a newspaper near to the Italian right wing and the Vatican.

The Western Anglo-Saxon conservatism can roughly considered its political allegiance. Especially the journal strongly supports the Bush Administration (and in general American foreign policy) from 2001 and spreads in Italy the ideas of those intellectuals often called neo-conservatives. It often features editorials from American newspapers, especially from editorial page of Wall Street Journal.It also strongly supports the Catholic Church in topics like bioethics and battle against relativism and Israel in its foreign policy in Middle East.

"Il Foglio" can also be considered pro free market in Economics.

External links

* [ Official website]

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