Chuner Taksami

Chuner Taksami

Chuner Mikhailovich Taksami (Russian: Чунер Михайлович Таксами; born 23 February 1931) [1][2] is a Russian ethnographer of Nivkh origin and has a Doctor of Historical Sciences attained in 1955.

He was born in Lower Amur River of Khabarovsk Krai, Russia.[3] He is a spokesman for the Nivkh and other Siberian peoples.[4][5] Taksami specializes in Siberian historical, archeological, and anthropological research. He was the Director of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography in St. Petersburg, Russia from 1997 to 2001 [6] After his museum tenure was over Taksami colabrated with professors from Chiba University organizing enthnolinguistic expeditions to Nivkhs peoples in the Lower Amur River and North Sakhalin Island. He has published over 300 works ranging from books, journals, dictionaries, and contemporary problems of Asian Northern Peoples mostly in Russian. Additionally he chairs or is a council member of various Siberian associations.[6]


  1. ^ Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography: The Museum and its directors.
  2. ^ Department of Ethnography in Siberia, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography: Chuner Mikhailovich Taksami
  3. ^ Kabo, V. R. (1998) The Road to Australia: Memoirs. Aboriginal Studies Press p227-8
  4. ^ Shternberg, Lev Iakovlevich and Bruce Grant. (1999) The Social Organization of the Gilyak. Seattle: University of Washington Press. p.189 ISBN 029597799X
  5. ^ bitstream/2246/281/5/amna-082-01-0184.pdf p.186-189
  6. ^ a b St. Petersburg the shortest wat to the Artic - Saving Original Art As a Part of World Culture (2000)- Near East International Magazine

Preceded by
Alexander Mylnikov
Director of the
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

Succeeded by
Yuri Chistov

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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