List of Turkish philosophers and scientists

List of Turkish philosophers and scientists

This is a list of Turkish philosophers and scientists.

* Abdullah Manaz - Philosopher
* Abu Mansur Al Maturidi - Philosopher, theologian
* Ali Kuşçu - Mathematician, physicist, linguist, and astronomer
* Asım Orhan Barut, University of Colorado-Boulder physicist [ [ Asim Orhan Barut ] ]
* Aykut Barka – Earth scientist
* Cahit Arf – Mathematician
* Celâl Şengör – Geologist
* Erol Gelenbe - Computer scientist
* Ferhat Ozcep - Geophysicist and Historian of Science
* Feza Gürsey – Physicist
* Gazi Yaşargil – Neurosurgeon
* Hulusi Behçet – Scientist
* Ismail Akbay – Engineer
* Janet Akyüz Mattei – Astronomer
* Erdal İnönü – Physicist, politician
* Matrakçı Nasuh - Mathematician, historian
* Mehmet Toner, world renowned cryobiologist, professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School, and professor of biomedical engineering at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology [ [ Harvard Üniversitesi'nde Türk Profesör ] ]
* Mustafa Halilsoy (born 1949), theoretical physics
* Oktay Sinanoğlu (born 1935), theoretical chemistry and molecular biology
* Orkut Büyükkökten, software engineer
* Piri Reis - Ottoman cartographer and admiral
* Taqi al-Din - Ottoman polymath: a scientist, astronomer, astrologer, engineer, inventor, clockmaker, watchmaker, physicist, mathematician, botanist, zoologist, pharmacist, physician, Qadi, Mosque timekeeper, Islamic philosopher, theologian and Madrasah teacher
* Tantek Çelik, computer scientist
* Turgay Üzer, Georgia Institute of Technology Physicist [ Homepages of Turkish Faculty Members ] ]
* Ulugh Beg - astronomer, mathematician
* Üstün Aydıngöz - Physician, author
* Vamik Volkan (born 1932), psychiatrist and author


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