Antero Vipunen

Antero Vipunen

Antero Vipunen is a giant who figures in Finnish mythology and Kalevala folk poetry. He is buried underground and possesses some very valuable ancient incantations.

The god-hero Väinämöinen has an incantation with three words or "luotes" missing. In order to get them, he goes to wake up the sleeping Vipunen by putting stakes into his grave or through his mouth to his stomach. Väinämöinen hits Vipunen in the stomach so hard that he gives up, and hands over the words to get rid of stomach-ache.


Antero Vipunen also gave his name to a book edited by Yrjö Karilas, which describes various plays and games, and gives both general and specialised knowledge. ("Antero Vipunen: arvoitusten ja ongelmien, leikkien ja pelien sekä eri harrastajien pikkujättiläinen". WSOY, Porvoo 1950. The 1st edition).


* "Kalevala", the national epic of Finnish people.

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