Glazier Systems

Glazier Systems

Glazier Systems was established in Wellington in 1995 by Tony Stewart, Rod Drury, Andrew Kissling and Pat Ryan. It was a software development company that specialised in developing systems for Microsoft Windows hence the name.

In the early days Microsoft Access was the tool of choice. When the internet came in to prominence in the late 90's Glazier began to build system using Active Server Pages.

Glazier grew rapidly until, in 1999, it was acquired by listed company Advantage Group for $7.5 million in cash and shares. At the time Glazier had 55 staff and offices in Wellington and Auckland.

In 2001 Tony Stewart lead a management buyout of the former Glazier Systems Wellington office and formed Intergen. Intergen carried on where Glazier left off and in 2007, Intergen has 170 staff and offices in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin and Sydney.

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