

*In medicine, a cotton swab is a small piece of material, such as gauze or cotton, which is used to clean wounds, apply medications, or retrieve samples of body fluids such as blood or mucus. Swabs may be attached to stiff wires or sticks to aid access. Swabbing is useful as a noninvasive technique which is easily mastered. It's also used when dealing with bacteria.

*Swabs are also used for cleaning and/or testing in other fields, such as the dyne test of the surface energy of plastics. It has been found that swabs made by different manufacturers can give different results, because different substances are used to bind the material to the stick [http://pffc-online.com/mag/paper_taking_measure_surface/] .

*swab is a function in C programming language that swaps contents of two bytes of data.

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  • Swab — (de swap, intercambio en inglés, pero con la b al final lleva a swab, que también en inglés es al algodón con el que recogen muestras de laboratorio, denotando la intencionalidad del certamen) es una feria de arte contemporáneo, joven y emergente …   Wikipedia Español

  • swab — swab·ber; swab·bers; swab·bie; swab; swab·by; …   English syllables

  • swab — [swäb′ēswäb] n. [contr. < SWABBER] 1. a yarn mop, usually used wet, for cleaning decks, floors, etc. 2. a) a small piece of cotton, cloth, sponge, etc. used to apply medicine to, or clean discharged matter from, the throat, mouth, etc. b)… …   English World dictionary

  • Swab — Swab, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Swabbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Swabbing}.] [See {Swabber}, n.] To clean with a mop or swab; to wipe when very wet, as after washing; as, to swab the desk of a ship. [Spelt also {swob}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • swab — ► NOUN 1) an absorbent pad used for cleaning wounds or applying medication. 2) a specimen of a bodily secretion taken with a swab. 3) a mop or other absorbent device for cleaning or mopping up. 4) archaic a contemptible person. ► VERB (swabbed,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Swab — Swab, n. [Written also swob.] 1. A kind of mop for cleaning floors, the desks of vessels, etc., esp. one made of rope yarns or threads. [1913 Webster] 2. A bit of sponge, cloth, or the like, fastened to a handle, for cleansing the mouth of a sick …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • swab|by — or swab|bie «SWOB ee», noun, plural bies. U.S. Slang. a sailor of enlisted rank; gob …   Useful english dictionary

  • swab- — *swab , *swap germ.?, Verb: nhd. kehren ( Verb) (2), fegen; ne. sweep; Hinweis: s. *swōbala ; Etymologie: s. ing. *su̯ep (2), *sup , *su̯eb ?, Verb, werfen, schleudern, schütten …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • swab — A wad of cotton, gauze, or other absorbent material attached to the end of a stick or clamp, used for applying or removing a substance from a surface. * * * swab swäb n 1) a wad of absorbent material usu. wound around one end of a small stick and …   Medical dictionary

  • Swab. — 1. Swabia. 2. Swabian. * * * swab «swob», noun, verb, swabbed, swab|bing. –n. 1. a long handled mop for cleaning decks, floors, and the like. 2. a bit of sponge, cloth, or cotton for cleansing some part of the body or for applying medicine to it …   Useful english dictionary

  • swab — /swob/, n., v., swabbed, swabbing. n. 1. a large mop used on shipboard for cleaning decks, living quarters, etc. 2. a bit of sponge, cloth, cotton, or the like, sometimes fixed to a stick, for cleansing the mouth of a sick person or for applying… …   Universalium

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