Gottfried Wagner

Gottfried Wagner

Gottfried Wagner (born 13 April 1947 in Bayreuth) [ [ Richard Wagner Museum, Bayreuth] ] is a multimedia director and publicist.

Gottfried Wagner is the son of Wolfgang Wagner and a great-grandchild of Richard Wagner. His PhD is about Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht. He has concentrated on German culture and politics, as well as Jewish history of the 19th and 20th centuries in numerous publications. He is a member of the PEN-Club Liechtenstein and in 1992 was a co-founder of the Post-Holocaust Discussion Group.

He has been living in Italy since 1993, and has estranged himself from his father's family, openly criticising their involvement with the Nazi regime.


*Gottfried Wagner, "Wer nicht mit dem Wolf heult. Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen eines Wagner-Urenkels." ("He who does not howl with the wolf: Autobiographical Notes from a Wagner Great-Grandchild") Foreword by Ralph Giordano. Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1997. ISBN 3-462-02622-4
*Gottfried Wagner, "Twilight of the Wagners: The Unveiling of a Family's Legacy", Picador, 1999. ISBN 0312264046

ee also

*Wagner family tree



Much of the information in this article comes from the [ German-language Wikipedia article] .

Further Sources
* [ Interview with Gottfried Wagner] on the European Commission web site
*Alessandra Stanley, [ 'The Wagner Story Isn't Music to This Wagner's Ears'] , "The New York Times", March 30, 1999

External links

* [ Gottfried Wagner's homepage]

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