

Abro (Urdu: ابڑو ) is a Jamot tribe, one of major tribes settled in Bolan and Naseerabad division of Balochistan and Sindh in Pakistan.

The majority of the tribe live in Shikarpur, DadharFact|date=August 2008, Balanari, Khattan, Bhag, Lehri, Dera Murad jamali, Sibi, Usta Muhammad, Lasbela, Mastung and Dera Allah yar.

The Chief of the Abro tribe are MongraniesFact|date=August 2008 and head of the tribe is Sardar Haider khan Abro of Mongar(member of grand jirga of kallat).

The major sub-tribes are Pulpota, Jakhra, Kakepota, Unar, Ghotya, Korar, Barani, Koreja, Buhar, Bhootani, Marfani, Khakhrani, Sameja, Masore, Gadore, Kamarya, Sherani, Jeha and Bhayo.

During the rule of kalhora kings the Abro and Airi tribe were the ruling tribes of kachhi (Bhag). Mian Sháh Alí better known as Sháhal Muhammad (the Kalhora king) gave important jobs to Abro tribe in state and divided it among his children and brothers, and himself selected his residence in the village of Habíbání.

ee also

* Jamot
* Samma
* Mir Murad Abro
* Jamal Abro
* ( Mir Ghulam Qambar Aro) Mir Ghulam Qambar Abro of Shikarpur was a CSP officer and belongs to famous tribe ABRO, grand son of Wadero hussain Abro one of the renowned personlities of Shikarpur.


* [http://http://pachome1.pacific.net.sg/~makhdoom/bilawal2.html/ Sur Bilawal : Section I Have Faith In The Saying]

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