- Broad skate
image_caption = A broad skate on theDavidson Seamount at 1641 meters.
name = Broad skate
regnum =Animal ia
classis =Chondrichthyes
subclassis =Elasmobranchii
superordo =Batoidea
ordo =Rajiformes
familia =Rajidae
genus =Amblyraja
species = A. badia
binomial = Amblyraja badia
binomial_authority = Garman, 1899 The broad skate ("Amblyraja badia") is a deep-waterskate found in the central and northernPacific ocean. It is the deepest known-occurring skate species, having been observed at 3,167 meters depth. [cite web|author=Pacific Shark Research Center | title=PSRC Elasmobranch of the Month | url= http://psrc.mlml.calstate.edu/elamon_jan06.htm | accessdate=2007-10-30] It is known to grow to be just under a meter in length. Both the top and bottom surfaces are dark gray to brown, with darker patches in places, although the snout and gills are whitish. The snout is also well defined and sharp, and it has scapular thorns on each shoulder arranged in triangular groupings. It has never been the object of a commercial fishery. [FishBase species | genus = Amblyraja | species = badia | year = 2007 | month = October]Notes
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