Henrik Mohn

Henrik Mohn

Henrik Mohn (May 15, 1835, Bergen - September 12, 1916, Christiania) was a meteorologist from Norway. He began his education at the Cathedral school in Bergen. Later he went to Christiania University. In 1852 he got a doctor's degree.In 1866 he became professor of meteorology in the same university and later he held the post of director of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute from 1866 to 1913.

In 1874 Henrik Mohn was elected as senior honorary member of the Royal Meteorological Society of London.

The Mona Islands in the Kara Sea were named after Henrik Mohn by Fridtjof Nansen, who published the first detailed maps of the Russian Arctic.


* "Grundziige der Meteorologic", 1872.
* "Etudes sur les mouvements de l'atmosphere" (studies of atmospherical movements), in collaboration with the mathematician Goldberg, 1876-8.
* "Researches on the meteorology and oceanography of the northern Atlantic", 1876-8.
* "Meteorological observations of Fridtjof Nansen's polar expedition in the Fram", 1893-6.
* "Meteorological observations of the second "Fram" expedition", 1898-1902.
* "Meteorological observations of Roald Amundsen's south polar journey, 1910-2.


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