Dom P

Dom P

Infobox musical artist
Name = The Original Dom P

Background = Hip Hop Artist/Producer/Musician
Origin = North Shields
Genre = Rap / Hip-hop / Jazz
Years_active = 2002-Present
Label = Lovedough Records
Associated_acts = Skinnyman , Ldotman

Dom P/The Original Dom P (born Dominic Peters ) is a Rapper/Musician/Producer born in North Shields. He released his first single on Wordplay featuring Boston MC, Edo G (formerly of Ed Og and The Bulldog's) and UK MC Fallacy. The double sided single included the luke-warm received "That's Wassup" (Featuring Edo G), and the more energetic "Slow Rinse" (Featuring Fallacy). This led to work with Dap-C, as Dom P provided beats for the majority of Dap-C's first album "Character Building" and Produced the lead single for Dap-C's Album "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" featuring Skinnyman and S.Kalibre. Through this meeting Skinnyman guested on one of Dom P's tracks "Never Let it Go" (unreleased) while Dom provided Skinnyman with some beats in exchange. Dom has spent the past two years producing for Phantasm formerly of Cellar Dwellaz, Shifty Spirit, Ldotman and completing his two projects (to be released in 2008). The first will be a Hip-hop record, featuring the talents of Phantasm, JuJu from The Beatnuts, Tribeca, Skinnyman and Chuckie C from Mud Family. The second will be a fusion album, influenced by 70's West Coast Rock, Funk, Soul and Jazz.


*"Dom P E.P - (A side - Dom P/Edo G-That's wassup) (AA side-Dom P/Fallacy-Slow Rinse"), Wordplay/Virgin Records (2003) WORDT 043
*"Untitled - Dom P (2008)
*"Cashing In and Shipping Out - Dominic Peters (Band Project) (2008)


*"Stay Blessed (Unreleased) - Fallacy - Blackmarket Boy (2003) (Virgin Records)
*"Character Building - Dap C (2004) (NGU Records)
*"The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Dap C Feat. Skinnyman & S.Kalibre (2006) (NGU Records)
*"Pushin' - L Dot Man feat.Dom P - New Age Army Mixtape - (2007) (Lovedough Records) LD002
*"Most Underrated - L Dot Man - New Age Army Mixtape (2007) (Lovedough Records) LD002
*"Start My Life from Scratch - L Dot Man feat. Eliza Lawson- New Age Army Mixtape (2007) (Lovedough Records) LD002

External links

* [ Dom P's Myspace]

Bands and musicians from North East England

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