

freedup is a program to scan directories or file lists for duplicate files. The file lists may be provided to a input pipe or internally generated using find with provided options. There are more options to specify the search conditions more datailed. Other options influence the performed actions, i.e. whether to display only or to specify what kind of link under which circumstances. freedup first compares file sizes, then the MD5 signatures, and before taking actions a byte-by-byte check for verification is performed. An interactive mode allows to decide individually which files to link soft or hard or to delete.

fdupes is written in POSIX compliant C and is released under the GNU Public License.

imilar programs

Other programs that can find duplicates and run under *nix:
* [ clink]
* [ duff]
* [ dupseek]
* [ dupefinder]
* [ duper]
* [ dupmerge]
* [ epac]
* [ fdf] - Perl/c based and runs across platforms (Win32, *nix and possibly others)
* [ fdupe]
* [ fdupes]
* [ freedup] - POSIX C compliant and runs across platforms (Windows with Cygwin, Linux, AIX, etc)
* [ freedups]
* [ fslint]
* [ ftwin]
* [ rdfind]
* [ dupmerge] - runs across platforms (Win32/64 with Cygwin, *nix, Linux etc.)

ee also

*List of Unix programs
*Duplicate code

External links

* [ Official freedup homepage]
* [ German article "Entdoppeltes Lottchen" by Michael Riepe,iX 11/2007 ]
* [ German article about "System-Utlities für Linux" by Thorsten Leemhuis, c't 24/2007]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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