Lamina affixa

Lamina affixa

Infobox Brain
Name = Lamina affixa
Latin = lamina affixa
GraySubject = 189
GrayPage = 838

Caption = 1. Taenia choroidea (and lateral: Lamina affixa, Stria terminalis)
2. Thalamus, Pulvinar thalami
3. Third ventricle
4. Stalk of pineal gland
5. Habenula
6. Stria medullaris
7. Superior colliculus
8. Brachium of superior colliculus
9. Inferior colliculus
10. Brachium of inferior colliculus
11. Medial geniculate nucleus
12. Sulcus medianus
13. Superior cerebellar peduncles
14. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
15. Middle cerebellar peduncles
16. Tuberculum anterius thalami
17. Obex, Area postrema

Caption2 =
IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
BrainInfoType =
BrainInfoNumber =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = l_02
DorlandsSuf = 12475860
On the surface of the terminal vein is a narrow white band, named the lamina affixa.


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