

Solmization is a system of attributing a distinct syllable to each note in a musical scale. Various forms of solmization are in use and have been used throughout the world.

In Europe and North America, solfège is the convention used most often. The seven syllables normally used for this practice in English-speaking countries are: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti (with a chromatic scale of ascending di, ri, fi, si, li and descending te, le, se, me, ra). The syllables are derived from "The Hymn of St. John" written by Paulus Diaconus in the 8th century.

In India, the origin of solmization was to be found in Vedic texts like the Upanishads, which discuss a musical system of seven notes, realized ultimately in what is known as sargam. In Indian classical music, the notes in order are: sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, and ni.

Byzantine music also uses syllables derived from a hymn to name notes: starting with A, the notes are pa, vu', ga, di, ke, zo, ni.

In Japan, "Iroha", an ancient poem, is sometimes used as solfège (i, chi, yo, ra, ya, a, we).

In Scotland, Canntaireachd was used as a means of communicating bagpipe music vocally.

Other systems invented for teaching sight-singing are:
*Tonic sol-fa
*Kodály method with Curwen hand signs
*Shape note

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  • Solmization — Sol mi*za tion, n. [F. solmisation, fr. solmiser to sol fa; called from the musical notes sol, mi. See {Sol fa}.] (Mus.) The act of sol faing. [Written also {solmisation}.] [1913 Webster] Note: This art was practiced by the Greeks; but six of the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • solmization — (also solmisation) ► NOUN Music ▪ a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable (typically the sequence doh, ray, me, fah, so, la, te), especially to teach singing. ORIGIN French, from sol «soh» + mi (see ME(Cf. ↑me)) …   English terms dictionary

  • solmization — [säl΄mi zā′shən] n. [Fr solmisation < solmiser, to sol fa < sol + mi: see GAMUT] the system or practice of identifying musical tones by syllables: often used as an aid in teaching music …   English World dictionary

  • solmization — /sol meuh zay sheuhn, sohl /, n. Music. the act, process, or system of using certain syllables, esp. the sol fa syllables, to represent the tones of the scale. [1720 30; < F solmisation, equiv. to solmis(er) (sol SOL1 + mi MI + iser IZE) + ation… …   Universalium

  • solmization — solmisatio лат. [сольмиза/цио] solmisation фр. [сольмизасьо/н] Solmisation нем. [сольмизацио/н] solmisazione ит. [сольмизацио/нэ] solmization англ. [солмизэ/йшн] сольмизация …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • solmization — noun Etymology: French solmisation, from solmiser to sol fa, from sol (from Medieval Latin) + miles (from Medieval Latin) + iser ize Date: 1730 the act, practice, or system of using syllables to denote the tones of a musical scale …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • solmization — or solmisation ˌsɒlmɪ zeɪʃ(ə)n noun Music a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable (typically the sequence doh, ray, me, fah, so, la, te), especially to teach singing. Derivatives solmizate verb Origin C18: from Fr …   English new terms dictionary

  • solmization — sol·mi·za·tion …   English syllables

  • solmization — sol•mi•za•tion [[t]ˌsɒl məˈzeɪ ʃən, ˌsoʊl [/t]] n. mad the act, process, or system of using syllables to represent the tones of a musical scale • Etymology: 1720–30; < F solmisation=solmis(er) < sol sol I+mi mi+ iser ize …   From formal English to slang

  • solmization — n. Mus. a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable, now usu. doh ray me fah soh lah te, with doh as C in the fixed doh system and as the keynote in the movable doh or tonic sol fa system. Derivatives: solmizate v.intr …   Useful english dictionary

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