- Landwehr
Landwehr, or "Landeswehr", is a
German language term used in referring to certain national armies, ormilitia s found in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Europe. In different context it refers to large scale, low strength fortifications. In German, the word means "defence of the country"; but the term as applied to an insurrectional militia is very ancient, and "lantveri" are mentioned in "Baluzii Capitularia", as quoted inHallam 's "Middle Ages", i. 262, 10th edition. [citebook|title=Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813|author= Michael V. Leggiere|year= 2002|publisher=University of Oklahoma Press|id=ISBN 0806133996]Austria-Hungary
Austrian Landwehr was one of three components that made up the ground forces of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy between 1867 and 1918, and it was composed of recruits from theCisleithania n part of the empire. TheAustro-Hungarian Army also consisted of the common army recruited from all of the empire, and the HungarianHonvédség ("Hungarische Landwehr") that was recruited from theTransleithania n part.The Austrian Landwehr and the other components of the Austro-Hungarian Army were all full time standing armies.
The landwehr in Prussia was first formed by a royal edict of
17 March 1813 , which called up all men capable of bearing arms between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, and not serving in the regular army, for the defence of the country. After the peace of 1815 this force was made an integral part of thePrussian army , each brigade being composed of one line and one landwehr regiment. This, however, retarded the mobilization and diminished the value of the first line, and by the re-organization of 1859 the landwehr troops were relegated to the second line.witzerland
Switzerland the landwehr used to be a second line force, in which all citizens served for twelve years. It was abolished after the army reform in 1965. As a reference to this past, a number of Swisswind band s bear the name "Landwehr".United Baltic Duchy
Baltische Landeswehr was the name of the armed forces of TheUnited Baltic Duchy . The duchy was established from territories that were ceded byImperial Russia in theTreaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918, but the state collapsed in 1919 following the surrender of theGerman Empire .ee also
Slovensko domobranstvo ("Slowenische Landeswehr")
*National Guard Notes
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