Walter Goetze

Walter Goetze

Walter Wilhelm Goetze [sometimes "Götze"] (born 17 April 1883 in Berlin, died 24 March 1961 in Berlin)was a German composer of revues, musical comedies and operettas.

Goetze began as composer of chansons; the first of his many works for the stage was the revue "Nur nicht drängeln"("Don't Rush") in 1912, followed by his first operetta "Der liebe Pepi" ("The Charming Pepi") in 1913.His most successful works were "Ihre Hoheit, die Tänzerin" (1919) which achieved almost 700performances in Berlin alone, and in 1934 "Der goldene Pierrot". Successful numbers from his other works include "Was wär' mein Lied, könnt' ich's dir nicht singen" (What would my song be if I couldn't sing it to you) from "Der Page des Königs" (The King's Page) (1933) [ASIN|B00006OA3X|title=Josef Schmidt Sings Popular Songs|date=2003-05-27] and "Das Branntweinlied" (The Brandy Song) from "Adrienne" (1926) [ASIN|B0001J0AVE|country=de|title=Künstlerball bei Kroll|date=2004-02-12] .

External links

*cite web
url =
title = List of 32 stage works
accessdate = 2007-10-26
last = Goebel
first = Wilfried
publisher = operone
language = German


*Reclams Operettenführer, Anton Würz (ed.), Stuttgart 1962

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