USS Circassian (1862)

USS Circassian (1862)

USS "Circassian" (1862) was a large steamer captured by the Union Navy during the American Civil War.

She was used by the Union Navy as a supply ship for ships on the blockade of the ports and waterways of the Confederate States of America.

"Circassian" captured and placed into Union Navy service

"Circassian", an iron screw steamer, was captured 4 May 1862 by "Somerset"; purchased from the prize court at Key West, Florida, 8 November 1862; outfitted at New York Navy Yard; and commissioned 12 December 1862, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant W. B. Eaton in command.

Assigned to the East and West Gulf Blockades

"Circassian" served as supply ship for the East and West Gulf Blockading Squadrons. Between 17 December 1862 and 11 April 1865 she completed nine cruises from New York City or Boston, Massachusetts, delivering supplies to ships and stations along the Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico as far west as Galveston, Texas, and up the Mississippi River to New Orleans, Louisiana. On return trips she carried men due to be discharged, invalids, prisoners of war, cotton and provisions. During this time she also captured two prizes and participated in the search for the Confederate steamer "Florida" in July 1864.

End-of-war operations and decommissioning

"Circassian" arrived at Boston Navy Yard from her last cruise 11 April 1865, was placed out of commission 26 April 1865 and sold 22 June 1865.


See also

* United States Navy
* American Civil War

External links

* [ USS Circassian]

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