- Gastroenterology
Gastroenterology (
MeSH heading [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2007/MB_cgi?mode=&term=gastroenterology] ) is the branch ofmedicine whereby thedigestive system and its disorders are studied. Etymologically, the name is a combination of threeAncient Greek words "gastros" (stomach ), "enteron" (intestine ), and "logos " (reason ).Diseases affecting thegastrointestinal tract , which includes the organs frommouth toanus , along thealimentary canal , are the focus of this specialty.Physicians practicing in this field of medicine are called gastroenterologists. Important advances have been made in the last fifty years, contributing to rapid expansion of its scope.Hepatology , or hepatobiliary medicine, encompasses the study of theliver ,pancreas , andbiliary tree and is traditionally considered a sub-specialty.History
Citing from Egyptian papyri, Nunn identified significant knowledge of gastrointestinal diseases among practising physicians during the periods of the
pharaoh s.Irynakhty , of the tenth dynasty, c. 2125 B.C., was a courtphysician specialising in gastroenterology andproctology . [Nunn JF. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. 2002. ISBN 0-80613-504-2.]Among ancient
Greeks ,Hippocrates attributeddigestion to concoction.Galen 's concept of thestomach having four "faculties" was widely accepted up to modernity in the eighteenth century.Eighteenth century:
* ItalianLazzaro Spallanzani (1729–99) was among earlyphysician s to disregard Galen's theories, and in 1780 he gave experimental proof on the action ofgastric juice on foodstuffs.
* In 1767, German Johann von Zimmermann wrote an important work ondysentery .
* In 1777,Maximilian Stoll ofVienna described cancer of thegallbladder . [Edgardo Rivera, MDJames L. Abbruzzese, MD; Pancreatic, Hepatic, and Biliary Carcinomas, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW [http://www.cancernetwork.com/textbook/morev16.htm/] ] [DeStoll M: Rationis Mendendi, in Nosocomio Practico vendobonensi.Part 1 LugduniBatavarum, Haak et Socios et A et J Honkoop 1788, OCLC: 23625746]Nineteenth century:
* In 1805,Philip Bozzini made the first attempt to observe inside the living human body using a tube he named "Lichtleiter" (light guiding instrument) to examine theurinary tract , therectum , and thepharynx . This is the earliest description ofendoscopy . [Gilger, Mark A. MD,Gastroenterologic endoscopy in children: past, present, and future. Gastroenterology and nutritionCurrent Opinion in Pediatrics. 13(5):429-434, October 2001.] [ [http://www.olympus-global.com/en/corc/history/endo/ The Origin of Endoscopes, Olympus history] ]
*Charles Emile Troisier described enlargement oflymph node s in abdominal cancer. [Anton Sebastian,A Dictionary of the History of Medicine, ISBN 1850700214 ]
* In 1868,Adolf Kussmaul , a well-known German physician, developed thegastroscope . He perfected the technique on a sword swallower.
* In 1871, at the society of physicians in Vienna, Carl Stoerk demonstrated an esophagoscope made of two telescopic metal tubes, initially devised by Waldenburg in 1870.
* In 1876,Karl Wilhelm von Kupffer described the properties of some liver cells now calledKupffer cell .
* In 1884, Kronecker and Meltzern studied oesophagealmanometry in humans.Twentieth century:
*Rudolph Schindler described many important diseases involving the human digestive system duringWorld War I in his illustrated textbook and is portrayed by some as the "father of gastroscopy". He andGeorg Wolf developed a semiflexible gastroscope in 1932.
* In 1932,Burrill Bernard Crohn describedCrohn's disease .
* In 1957,Basil Hirschowitz introduced the first prototype of a fibreoptic gastroscope.Twenty-first century:
* In 2005,Barry Marshall andRobin Warren of Australia were awarded theNobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of "Helicobacter pylori " (1982/1983) and its role inpeptic ulcer disease . James Leavitt assisted in their research, but the Nobel Prize is not awarded posthumously so he was not included in the award.Disease classification
1. International Classification of Disease(
ICD 2007)/WHO classification:
*Chapter XI,Diseases of the digestive system,(K00-K93) [http://www.who.int/classifications/apps/icd/icd10online/] 2.MeSH subject Heading:
*Gastroenterology (G02.403.776.409.405) [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2007/MB_cgi?mode=&term=Gastroenterology&field=entry]
*Gastroenterological diseases(C06.405) [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2007/MB_cgi?mode=&term=Gastrointestinal+Diseases#TreeC06.405] 3.National Library of Medicine Catalogue(NLM classification 2006):
*Digestive system(W1) [http://wwwcf.nlm.nih.gov/class/class_wi.html#WI]Gastroenterological societies
American College of Gastroenterology
*American Gastroenterological Association
*American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
*British Society of Gastroenterology References
External links
* [http://www.virtualgastrocentre.com/ Virtual Gastro Centre]
* [http://www.gastrohep.com/ GastroHep.com - Gastrohep]
* [http://www.daveproject.org/ The Digital Atlas of Video Education - Gastroenterology]
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