René Henry Gracida

René Henry Gracida

Infobox bishopbiog

name = Bishop René Gracida

religion = Catholic Church
See = Galveston-Houston
Title = Bishop of Corpus Christi
Period = May 19, 1983 — April 1, 1997
consecration =
Predecessor = Bishop Thomas Drury
Successor = Bishop Roberto Niaves
ordination = May 23, 1959
bishops = Titular Bishop of Masuccaba,
Bishop of Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee,
Bishop of Diocese of Corpus Christi
date of birth = June 9, 1923
place of birth = New Orleans, Louisiana|

Bishop René Henry Gracida (born June 9, 1923 in New Orleans, Louisiana) was the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Miami (1971-1975), the first Bishop of Roman Catholic Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee (1975-1983) and Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi (1983-1997). He was also the Titular Bishop of Masuccaba (1971-1975).

He was the second child of Enrique J. Gracida Carrizosa, an architect and engineer and Mathilde Derbes, was a fifth-generation French-American. Bishop Gracida was ordained a priest on May 23, 1959, when he was 36 years old. In 1971, he was appointed by Pope Paul VI as Auxiliary Bishop of Miami and was consecrated on January 25, 1972 along with the title Titular Bishop of Masuccaba by John Francis Cardinal Dearden, of the Archdiocese of Detroit and Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll, of the Archdiocese of Miami and Bishop Paul Francis Tanner of the Diocese of St. Augustine.

He was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee on October 1, 1975 and installed on November 6, 1975. On May 19, 1983, Pope John Paul II appointed him as the Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi were he remained until he resigned on April 1, 1997.


* [ More about Bishop Gracida's combat in the Second World War and his career as a professor of Architecture]
* [ Catholic Hierarchy bio]
* "Gracida Marks Anniversary Of Consecration, Stances on abortion, divorce are hallmarks of his 25-year tenure" ; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - January 25, 1997
* "Bishop in Waiting: Gonzalez Will Aid Gracida Till He Retires, Bishop plans to remain with diocese until 1998"; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - May 17, 1995
* "Civic Leaders Say They'll Miss Working With Bishop Gracida";Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - April 1, 1997
* "Bishop Appeals To Flock, Gracida seeks support in broadcast message * The bishop's message was broadcast on denominational radio, TV. He said he will fight to leave the diocese free of legal burdens".; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - May 23, 1996
* "Sources: Other Bishops Complained, Suit against Gracida tied to unhappiness over funding * Attorney General's Office won't identify complainants. The state and Bishop Gracida have sued each other".; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - May 11, 1996
* "State sues bishop over foundation"; Houston Chronicle - May 10, 1996
* "Local bishop leads GOP in prayer, Gracida has said Catholics shouldn't support John Kerry"; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - September 2, 2004
* "Bishops Have Long Been Concerned About Kenedy Funds, Papers Show"; Corpus Christi Caller-Times (TX) - August 18, 1996
* "Outspoken Florida Bishop Transferred To Texas"; Miami Herald, The (FL) - June 12, 1983
* "Bishop Gracida's threat on abortion out of place"; Austin American-Statesman - July 15, 1990
* "Sex case against priest creates turmoil, mystery";Houston Chronicle - April 24, 1995
* "Bishop countersues Morales over fund-raising allegations AG says foundation funnels money to Catholics"; The Dallas Morning News - May 11, 1996
* "Religion or politics? Abortion places bishop, Catholics in moral, legal dilemma"; Austin American-Statesman - July 31, 1990
* "Texas Bishop Issues Second Excommunication"; Washington Post - July 1, 1990
* "Bishop Excommunicates Woman Over Abortion Corpus Christi Cleric Issues Rare Decree";Washington Post - June 30, 1990
* "Christian Protest Is Making Waves With Advertisers"; Miami Herald, The (FL) - April 21, 1989
* "Family' Amendment Loses In Vote"; Washington Post - January 20, 1991

Blogs maintained Bishop Gracida, currently (January, 2008) Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, TX: [ Ecclesiastical matters] [ Politics] [ The United States War on Terror]

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