Edita Pučinskaitė

Edita Pučinskaitė

Edita Pučinskaitė is a Lithuanian cyclist (born November 27, 1975 in Naujoji Akmenė, Lithuania). For many years, she has been one of the top competitors in women's racing on the international level with a victory in the World Road Race Championships in 1999 and several very high finishes in major tours, World Championship competition and on the UCI points listings.


Note: Beginning in 1997, the Union Cycliste Internationale implemented a points listing whereby points were awarded riders based on their performances in racing events. For this purpose, the races were classified into categories. Although the exact system has evolved over the years, the major stage races are generally classified as category 1 (strongest), and category 2. In the listings below, these categories, where known, are given in parentheses. The abbreviation GC stands for General Classification.;1994: Etoile Vosgienne - 1st overall; 1 stage win;1995: UCI Road World Championships Road Race - 3rd place (Bronze Medal): GP Kanton Zurich - stage win: Women's Challenge - stage win;1996: GP Presov - 1st overall; 1 stage win: Giro di Sicilia - 2nd place;1997: Giro d'Italia Femminile- 3rd place: Liberty Classic - 1st place;1998: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 5th place: Grande Boucle - - 1st overall; 3 stage wins: Trophee International (World Cup) - 4th place: Thuringen Rundfahrt - - 1st overall; 1 stage win: Giro d'Italia Femminile (2.9.1) - 4th place: Montreal (Can) World Cup - 4th place: Sydney (Aus) World Cup - 5th place;1999: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 4th place: flagiconUCI UCI Road World Championships Road Race - 1st place (Gold Medal): UCI Road World Championships Time Trial - 3rd place (Bronze Medal): La Flèche Wallonne Féminine (World Cup) - 2nd place: Giro della Toscana - 1st overall; 3 stage wins: Grande Boucle (cat 1) - 3rd overall; 1 stage win: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 4th place: Thüringen-Rundfahrt - 5th place;2000: Grande Boucle (cat. 1) - 2nd overall; 2 stage wins: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 4th overall; 2 stage wins;2001: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 6th place: UCI Road World Championships Road Race - 2nd place (Silver Medal): GP Suisse Féminin (World Cup) - 3rd place: La Flèche Wallonne Féminine (World Cup) - 4th place: Giro della Toscana (2.9.1) - 4th place: Giro d'Italia Femminile (2.9.1) - 3rd place GC: Trophée d'or Féminin (2.9.2) - 1st overall; 2 stage wins: Tour de l'Aude (2.9.1) - 5th overall; 1 stage win: Vuelta Internacional a Majorca (2.9.1) - 2nd place;2002: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 12th place: Grande Boucle Féminine (cat. 1) - 4th place, 1 stage victory: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 4th place: Emakumeen Bira (cat. 1) - 1st place, 1 stage victory: Tour de l'Aude (cat. 1) - 3rd place, 1 stage victory: Trophée Féminin Méditerranéen (cat 1) - 3rd place;2003: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 5th place: Amstel Gold (World Cup) - 3rd place: La Flèche Wallonne Féminine (World Cup) - 4th place: Giro della Toscana (cat. 1) - stage win: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 2nd place: Giro del Trentino (cat. 1) - 4th place: Grande Boucle (cat. 1) - 5th place: Emakumeen Bira (cat. 1) - 5th place;2004: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 5th place: GP de Plouay (World Cup) - 1st place: Giro della Toscana (cat. 1) - 3rd overall; 1 stage win: Trophee d'Or (cat. 2) - 1st overall; 1 stage win: Olympic Games Road Race - 9th place: Olympic Games Time Trial - 10th place: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 1 stage win: Giro del Trentino (cat. 1) - 4th overall: Thuringen-Rundfahrt (cat. 1) - 5th overall: Emakumeen Bira (cat. 1) - 6th overall: Tour de l'Aude Cycliste Feminin (cat. 1) - 6th overall: La Flèche Wallonne Féminine (World Cup) - 3rd place;2005: UCI Women's Road World Cup points standings - 5th place: Vuelta el Salvador (cat. 1) - 1st overall; 3 stage wins: Tour Sud Rhone Alpes (cat. 1) - 1st overall; 1 stage win: Tour de Berne (cat. 1) - 1st place: GP de Plouay World Cup - 2nd place: Trophee d'Or (cat. 2) - 3rd overall: Giro d'Italia Femminile (cat. 1) - 3rd ovreall: Thuringen-Rundfahrt (cat. 1) - 4th overall; 1 stage win: Giro del Trentino (cat. 1) - 6th overall; 1 stage win;2006: LTU National Time Trial Champion;2007: Tour de Berne (World Cup) - 1st place: Giro del Trentino Alto Adige - Südtirol (2.1W) - Stage 1 win: Giro d'Italia Femminile - 1st overall, prologue and stage 3 win

External links

* [http://www.editapucinskaite.com Edita Pucinskaite's web site] (in Italian)

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