

name = "Songlingornis"
fossil_range = Early Cretaceous (Aptian?)
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
subclassis = Ornithurae
ordo = Yanornithiformes
familia = Songlingornithidae
genus = "Songlingornis"
genus_authority =
species = "S. linghensis"
binomial = "Songlingornis linghensis"
binomial_authority =

"Songlingornis" is a prehistoric bird genus from the Early Cretaceous. Its fossils have been found in the Jiufotang Formation of Liaoning (PRC). The age of these rocks is somewhat disputed, but probably around the early Aptian, 125-120 million years ago. Only one species, "Songlingornis linghensis", is known at present.

It was a close relative of "Yanornis" and together with this and "Yixianornis" forms a clade of early modern birds [Mortimer (2004), Clarke "et al." (2006)] . It is sometimes considered to be the same genus as "Yanornis" (which, described after "Songlingornis", would then be merged into that taxon) [Gong "et al." (2004)] , but this is not universally accepted [Mortimer (2004)] .



* (2006): Insight into the evolution of avian flight from a new clade of Early Cretaceous ornithurines from China and the morphology of "Yixianornis grabaui". "Journal of Anatomy" 208 (3):287-308. DOI|10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00534.x [ PDF fulltext] [ Electronic Appendix]
* (2004) Enantiornithine Bird with Diapsidian Skull and Its Dental Development in the Early Cretaceous in Liaoning, China. "Acta Geologica Sinica" 78(1): 1-7. [ PDF fulltext]
* (2004): The Theropod Database: [ Phylogeny of taxa] . Retrieved 2008-AUG-14.

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