Kakamega — is also the genus of the Grey chested Illadopsis ( Kakamega poliothorax ), a bird Kakamega is a town in western Kenya lying about 30 km north of the Equator. It is the provincial headquarters of Western Province. It is also headquarters to the… … Wikipedia
Kakamega Orphan Project — The Kakamega Orphan Project is a partnership between a local community in Kakamega, Kenya and its supporting organization based in the US. Together the Kenyans and the Friends of Kakamega offer shelter, education, food, and love to vulnerable… … Wikipedia
Luhya — The Luhya (also Luyia, Luhia, Abaluhya) are the second largest ethnic group in Kenya, numbering about 5.3 million people, or 14% of Kenya s total population of 38 million, according to kenyaweb.com.The Luhya cultivate the fertile highlands of… … Wikipedia
Yearly Meeting — Members of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, use the term Yearly Meeting to refer to an organization composed of a collection of smaller, more frequent constituent meetings within a geographical area. These constituent meetings go by… … Wikipedia
Jahresversammlung (Quäkertum) — Eine Jahresversammlung ist im Quäkertum eine Organisationseinheit der Administrative. Sie vereint in der Regel mehrere so genannte Vierteljahresversammlungen unter sich; oder verschiedene Monatsversammlungen. In Deutschland werden die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quakers in Kenya — Kenya contains the largest body of Quakers in a single nation. There were about 133,000 members of the Religious Society of Friends there, in the year 2008 (according to the Friends World Committee for Consultation). The Quaker faith has been… … Wikipedia
Religiöse Gesellschaft der Freunde — Der Begriff Quäkertum bezeichnet die Gesamtheit quäkerischen Glaubens und Lebensanschauungen, Organisationsformen und Bräuche. Der Begriff Quäkertum leitet sich von den ehemaligen Spottnamen Quäker ab, den früher ein Mitglied der Religiöse… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of schools in Kenya — Primary schools in Kenya may be designated as follows: * DEB indicating that they were founded by the now abolished District Education Boards, hence were public schools from the start. * RC indicating that they were founded and sponsored by the… … Wikipedia
Maragoli tribe (Luhya) — The Maragoli, or Logoli (Ava Logooli), are the second largest tribe of the 6 million strong Luhya nation in Kenya, after the Bukusu. The dialect they speak is called Llogoli, Urulogoli, or Maragoli. Maragoli also refers to the area that the… … Wikipedia
Quäkerorganisationen — Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert haben sich die Quäker in zahlreiche Flügel aufgespalten, sich wiedervereint, reformiert und noch etliche Organisationen für Teilaufgaben geschaffen. Es bietet sich eine ähnlich verwirrende Vielfalt an Gruppen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia