- Andreninae
image_caption = "Andrena miserabilis"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropoda
classis =Insecta
ordo =Hymenoptera
subordo =Apocrita
superfamilia =Apoidea
familia =Andrenidae
subfamilia = Andreninae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Ancylandrena "
"Andrena "
"Euherbstia "
"Megandrena "
"Orphana "The
bee subfamily Andreninae is a nearly cosmopolitan lineage, with most of its diversity in one genus, "Andrena ", which contains over 1300 species. The remaining four genera in the subfamily only contain a total of 9 species.Females of three of the genera ("
Ancylandrena ", "Andrena ", and "Megandrena ") have broad, velvety depressions called "facial foveae" on the face between the eyes and the antennae; in all other members of the family, the foveae are much smaller, typically reduced to grooves or pits at the upper margin of the eyes. "Ancylandrena" and "Megandrena" occur only in the desert regions of southwesternNorth America (Nevada ,California ,Arizona ,Sonora , andBaja California ), while "Andrena" is nearly worldwide. "Euherbstia " and "Orphana " are rare bees restricted to desert regions ofChile .Unlike the subfamily
Panurginae , none of the species of Andreninae have yellow markings anywhere other than on the face; those markings, when present, are usually found only in males.References
C. D. Michener (2007) "The Bees of the World", 2nd Edition, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.