In Parenthesis

In Parenthesis

"In Parenthesis" (published in the United Kingdom in 1937) is an epic poem in novella form by David Jones. The epic prose-poem tells the story of Private John Ball and his unit's war experience in World War I, starting with their military training in England and ending with the Battle of the Somme, and a mediation on history and legend. T. S. Eliot has called it, "a work of literary art which uses the language in a new way."

Jones worked on the novel for ten years. He uses modernist writing techniques in combination with British literary allusions to hint at a connection between World War I and the heroic wars of the English and Welsh past. The poem draws on literary influences from the 6th-century Welsh epic "Y Gododdin" to Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur" to try to make sense of the carnage he witnessed in the trenches.


In Part 1, Jones describes the soldiers training in England and then being shipped to France. Part 2 depicts the soldiers training behind the lines and describes their physical ailments. Part 3 describes their first night in the trenches. John Ball's unit is replacing another unit. John Ball is on sentry duty for the first time. In Part 4, Jones writes about a typical day from morning stand-to to evening stand-down. After cleaning his rifle, John Ball is on sentry duty again with a periscope.


"In Parenthesis" features many allusions to British literature, epic stories, pastoral imagery and religious history. While reading the poem, there are three levels of interpretation: the story of John Ball, Religious allusion, and literary context.


Paul Fussell, author of "The Great War and Modern Memory", calls this poem a "honorable miscarriage." Fussell believes that Jones uses multiple literary, historical, and religious allusions to glorify a war in which technology had made so unheroic that it could not be turned into a classic myth.


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  • Parenthesis — Pa*ren the*sis (p[.a]*r[e^]n th[ e]*s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Parentheses}. [NL., fr. Gr. pare nqesis, fr. parentiqe nai to put in beside, insert; para beside + en in + tiqe nai to put, place. See {Para }, {En }, 2, and {Thesis}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parenthesis — may be:*Parenthesis, either of the curved bracket ( ) punctuation marks that together make a set of parentheses *Parenthesis (rhetoric), an explanatory or qualifying word, clause, or sentence …   Wikipedia

  • parenthesis — (n.) 1540s, words, clauses, etc. inserted into a sentence, from M.Fr. parenthèse, from L.L. parenthesis addition of a letter to a syllable in a word, from Gk. parenthesis, lit. a putting in beside, from parentithenai put in beside, from para… …   Etymology dictionary

  • parenthesis — 1. Parenthesis is a term denoting an aside or extra remark that is added to a sentence; it is normally marked off by brackets, commas, or dashes, and the rest of the sentence is grammatically complete without it. Parentheses can be single words,… …   Modern English usage

  • Parenthesis — Parenthesis, griech., Parenthese, Schaltsatz, eingeschobener Satz, der keinen Bestandtheil des Hauptsatzes bildet, gewöhnlich durch die ebenfalls P. genannten Zeichen () od. [] od. – – eingeklammert wird; in der Algebra gehören die mit dem… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • parenthesis — index insertion Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • parenthesis — ► NOUN (pl. parentheses) 1) a word or phrase inserted as an explanation or afterthought, in writing usually marked off by brackets, dashes, or commas. 2) (parentheses) a pair of round brackets () used to include such a word or phrase. ORIGIN… …   English terms dictionary

  • parenthesis — [pə ren′thə sis] n. pl. parentheses [pə ren′thəsēz΄] [LL < Gr < parentithenai, to put beside < para , beside (see PARA 1) + entithenai, to insert < en , in + tithenai, to put, place: see DO1] 1. an additional word, clause, etc. placed …   English World dictionary

  • Parenthesis (rhetoric) — In rhetoric, a parenthesis (plural: parentheses ; from the Greek word παρένθεσις, which comes in turn from words meaning alongside of and to place ) is :An explanatory or qualifying word, clause, or sentence inserted into a passage with which it… …   Wikipedia

  • parenthesis — noun 1 parentheses (esp. AmE) marks around extra information in writing ⇨ See also ↑bracket VERB + PARENTHESES ▪ enclose sth in parentheses, give sth in parentheses, put sth in parentheses ▪ The prices are given in parentheses. PREPOS …   Collocations dictionary

  • parenthesis — pa|ren|the|sis [pəˈrenθısıs] n plural parentheses [ si:z] [C usually plural] [Date: 1500 1600; : Late Latin; Origin: Greek, from parentithenai to put in ] 1.) a round ↑bracket in parentheses ▪ The figures in parentheses refer to page numbers …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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