

Hui can refer to:


* Hui people (回族 "Huízú"), a Chinese ethnic group. They form one of the 56 nationalities officially recognized by the People's Republic of China
* Huizhou Chinese (徽 "Huī"), a subdivision of spoken Chinese.
* Hui (secret society), a Chinese term referring to a secret brotherhood.
* Hui County, county in Gansu, China
* Hui, the Cantonese pronunciation of the surname Xǔ (許)
* Huì (濊), an ethnic group or category of ethnic group that formerly inhabited certain regions to the northeast of ancient China and parts of the Korean Peninsula. Also known as "Ye" (예) in Korean and as "Wai" (わい) in Japanese. See also Dongye, Yemaek, ethnic groups in Chinese history.


* Hui (Hawaiian), Hawaiian language word for club, group or association
* HUI (acronym), Hawaiian User Interface - created for Hawaiian Airlines
* Hui (Hawaiian movie reference), as in the movie "North Shore", the Hui are local Hawaiian surfers on the North shore to whom Rick Kane, the film's hero, must prove his worth.


* Hui (Māori assembly), a social gathering in a Māori community, New Zealand

Russia, Bulgaria, Poland

"Hui" ("Huy", "Chuj", "Huj") (Russian: "хуй", Polish: "chuj" (sometimes incorrectly written "huj") is a slang word which means "man's genitals". See Russian mat.Interesting coincidence: Common Chinese name/family name "Hui" sounds similar to a Russian, Polish and Bulgarian obscene word for the "dick", which is source of endless jokes in Russia.


* HUI, the IATA code for Phu Bai International Airport in Huế, Vietnam.
* HUI MIDI mapping protocol (tm, acronym) for interfacing between digital audio workstations (DAWs) and connected hardware controllers.
* HUI (ticker symbol) The AMEX Gold BUGS (Basket of Unhedged Gold Stocks) Index represents a portfolio of 14 major gold mining companies. The Index is designed to give investors significant exposure to near term movements in gold prices by including companies that do not hedge their gold production beyond 1 1/2 years.

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