

Founded in 1921, Soroptimist ("best for women") is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. Through their General (Category One) Consultative Status as a non-governmental organization at the United Nations, the organization claims to seek equality, peace, and international goodwill. The official aim of the organization is to improve professional skills and to support human rights, specifically women's rights.

The headquarters office for Soroptimist International of the Americas is located in Center City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The organization comprises approximately 95,000 members in more than 120 countries and territories worldwide who contribute time and financial support to community-based and international projects.

Soroptimist members belong to local clubs, which determine the focus of service to their communities.

Soroptimist International Center City Philadelphia (SICCP)

The SICCP club focuses on the needs of the Philadelphia community. Some projects are an annual Womens Opportunity Award [] , a successful petition for the City of Philadelphia to establish October as "End Domestic Violence Month", sponsorship of a mural for the Mural Arts Program, and Adopt-A-Family with [ Women in Transition] (a non-profit, feminist counseling agency).

In addition to service projects, SICCP provides local business women with opportunities for friendship, networking, and leadership development. Cultivating friendships with other women who have similar interests and values is a central aspect of Soroptimist membership. Networking with other women representing a variety of professions facilitates valuable business contacts. SICCP meetings provide an environment for women to support each other. Members are encouraged to speak up, give presentations, and debate strategy for programs.sike

= External links =
* [ Mural Arts Program]
* [ Soroptimist International home page]
** [ Soroptimist International of the Americas]
** [ Soroptimist International of Europe]
** [ Soroptimist International of Great Britain & Ireland]
** [ Soroptimist International South West Pacific]
** [ Soroptimist International Union of Poland]
* [] provides finding aid to article subject from the Special Collections, Washington State Historical Society (WSHS)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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