Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie

Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie

The Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie or Cultural and Social Foundation International Young Orchestra Academy is a charitable foundation governed by public law.The aims of the foundation are to help and support children suffering from cancer, the promotion of culture, especially music, and to promote international understanding. Chairman of the foundation is Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert, deputy chairman is MdB Hartmut Koschyk.


Since 1994, the foundation presents, annually at Easter, charity concerts within the Bayreuther Osterfestival, the Osterfestival Nördliche Oberpfalz and tour concerts in Selb and Bielefeld (Germany) for the benefit of children suffering from cancer.The foundation was founded in 1994 by Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert and Dr. Andreas Göldel in co-operation with the director Prof. August Everding and the Australian conductor Sir Charles Mackerras. The international range orchestra consists of approximately 100 young musicians.

Aims of the Foundation

The Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie (Cultural and Social Foundation International Young Orchestra Academy) has three main aims. The first is to help and support children suffering from cancer, so that all the proceeds of the charity concerts are applied to fulfill this aim. Secondly the foundation wants to give young talented musicians from all over the world the possibility to study and make music together and this way wants to contribute to the international understanding. Another main goal of the foundation is to promote culture, especially music! The getting together of young professional musicians each year forms an excellent orchestra.


Official and private sponsors are a very important financial support, because they bear the operating costs of the foundation. Indispensable for the foundation are also the coaches, themselves renowned musicians, who work voluntarily with the young musicians and dedicate their time during the workshop to the musical education of their students.


In 2007 a curatorship of the Kultur- und Sozialstuftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie (Cultural and Social Foundation International Young Orchestra Academy) was brought into life. Its members are:
*Peter Hahne who is the Deputy director of the ZDF television studio in Berlin,
*Katharina Wagner, the grand-granddaughter of Richard Wagner is living as stage director in Berlin. At the Bayreuther 2007 she staged “The Mastersingers of Nuremberg
*Prof. Dr. Claus Hipp, who is the director of the Hipp-Factory Georg Hipp oHG and a freelance artist
* Dagmar Wöhrl, MdB (CSU), who is parliamentary undersecretary at the ministry of economic affairs and technology
*Dr. Manfred Spindler, a member of the board at Degussa corporation

External links

* [http://www.kulturstiftung.net|Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie]


#Kultur- und Sozialstiftung Internationale Junge Orchesterakademie
# [http://www.osterfestival.de/xist4c/web/Press_id_6130_.htm|Press articles]

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