Philippe Reines

Philippe Reines

Philippe Reines is a Senior Advisor & Press Secretary for [ Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton] (D-NY) ["Speaking, and Sweating, for the Senator" By: Finn, Robin The New York Times July 15, 2005] .

As the primary point of contact between Senator Clinton's official office and the national press corps, Reines serves as one of Senator Clinton's primary spokesmen, and is responsible for many of her interviews and media appearances. In 2003, Reines helped orchestrate the media campaign and seven-month book tour that accompanied the release of "Living History" Senator Clinton's bestselling memoir of her time in the White House.Fact|date=April 2008

Previously, Reines served as Communications Director for US Representative Jane Harman (D-CA)Fact|date=April 2008 Prior to his work on Capitol Hill, Reines was a member of the 2000 Gore-Lieberman presidential campaign's rapid response operation.Fact|date=April 2008 Reines remained involved in former Vice President Gore's public activities after Gore left office in 2001.Fact|date=April 2008 He served as Al Gore's Teaching and Research Assistant for his "Covering National Affairs" course at the Columbia School of Journalism in the Spring of 2001.Fact|date=April 2008 In December of 2002 he contributed material for Gore's appearance on Saturday Night Live.Fact|date=April 2008

After the 2000 Presidential election was decided, Reines returned to New York and spent a year as Deputy Communications Director for the New York City Council before joining Speaker Peter Vallone's mayoral bid.Fact|date=April 2008 A New York City native, Reines earned his political science degree from Columbia University at the age of 30. ["Top Clinton hand shields Chelsea" By: Parnes, Amie April 16, 2008]

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, in addition to his role as a Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton, he served as a spokesman for Chelsea Clinton, traveling with her. ["Top Clinton hand shields Chelsea" By: Parnes, Amie April 16, 2008]

In July 2008, Reines penned a tongue-in-cheek Op-Ed about the airline industry that appeared in the [ Wall Street Journal]


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