Admission control

Admission control

Admission control is a network Quality of Service (QoS) procedurecite book | author = Ferguson P., Huston G. | title = Quality of Service: Delivering QoS on the Internet and in Corporate Networks | publisher = John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | date = 1998 | id = ISBN 0-471-24358-2 ] . Admission control determines how bandwidth and latency are allocated to streams with various requirementscite book | author = Hiroshi Saito | title = Teletraffic Technologies in ATM Networks | publisher = Artech House | date = 1993 | id = ISBN 0-89006-622-1 ] . Admission control schemes therefore need to be implemented between network edges and core to control the traffic entering the network. [1]

An application that wishes to use the network to transport traffic with QoS must first request a connection, which involves informing the network about the characteristics of the traffic and the QoS required by the application. This information is stored in a traffic contract. The network judges whether it has enough resources available to accept the connection, and then either accepts or rejects the connection request. This is known as "Admission Control". Admission Control in ATM networks is known as Connection Admission Control (CAC).cite web | url = | title = Traffic Control in ATM networks | publisher = ATM Forum | accessdate = 2005-03-03 ] In 802.11 networks it is known as Call Admission Control.

Admission control is useful in situations where a certain number of connections (phone conversations, for example) may all share a link, while an even greater number of connections causes significant degradation in all connections to the point of making them all useless such as in Congestive collapse.

ee also

* Congestion Avoidance in Broadband Networks
* Teletraffic engineering in broadband networks
* Call Admission Control
* Network Admission Control
* Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
* Bandwidth Broker
* 802.11
* Atropos scheduler


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