Ebony Jewelwing

Ebony Jewelwing

name = Ebony Jewelwing

image_caption = A male (left) and female (right)
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Odonata
subordo = Zygoptera
subordo_authority = Selys, 1854
genus = "Calopteryx"
species = "C. maculata"
binomial = "Calopteryx maculata"

The Ebony Jewelwing ("Calopteryx maculata") is a species of damselfly.The females of the species have a white dot on their wings.

Ebony Jewelwing"Black-winged Damselfly"Calopterx maculata"DRAGONFLY ORDER1 3/4". Damselfly. Male metallicgreen; wings black. Female dullerbrown;wings smoky with glistening white spot near tip. Naiad palebrown with darker markings.HABITAT Wooded streams, rivers.SEASON MidJune-early Sept.One out of the 170 species of Dragonflys and Damselflys found in New England.

"From National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England"


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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