Aelius Marcianus

Aelius Marcianus

Aelius Marcianus was a Roman jurist who wrote after the death of Septimius Severus,Citation
last = Long
first = George
author-link =
contribution = Marcianus, Aelius
editor-last = Smith
editor-first = William
title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
volume = 2
pages = 942
publisher =
place = Boston
year = 1867
contribution-url =
] whom he calls "Divus" in his excerpts from the "Pandects". ["Pandects" 50. tit. 4. s. 7] Other passages in the same source show that he was then writing under Antoninus Caracalla, ["Pandects" 48. tit. 17. s. 1] the son and successor of Severus. It also appears from his "Institutiones" that he survived Caracalla. ["Pandects" 35. tit. 1. s. 33] [Cod. 9. tit. 8. s. 8] It is therefore probable that he also wrote under Alexander Severus, whose reign commenced 222 AD. Caracalla died in 217 AD. Another Aelius Marcianus is cited in the "Pandects", who was proconsul of Hispania Baetica in the time of Antoninus Pius. ["Pandects" 1. tit. 6. s. 2, where Ulpian gives the rescript of Pius addressed to this Marcianus.]

The works of Marcianus, from which there are excerpts in the "Pandects", are:
*Sixteen books of "Institutiones", from which there are excerpts in the "Pandects": this work was also used for the compilation of Justinian's "Institutions"; [compare "Institutions" 4. tit. 3. s. 1, and "Pandects" 32. s. 65. § 4; Inst. 2. tit. 18, "hoc colore," &c., and Dig. 5. tit. 2. s. 2]
*Two books on "Publica Judicia".
*Two books on "Appellationes".
*Five books titled "Regularia".
*A single book on "Delatores".
*A single book on the "Hypothecaria Formula".
*A single book "ad Sct. Turpillianum".

He also wrote notes on Aemilius Papinianus. Marcianus is cited by Ulpianus and Paulus. There are 275 excerpts from Marcianus in the "Pandects".

There are rescripts addressed by Alexander Severus to "A. Marcianus" and to "A. Martianus", [Cod. 2. tit. 13. s. 6] which may be the same name, [Cod. 7. tit. 21. s. 4] and one by Gordian to "A. Mar­tianus" in the year 239; [Cod. 4. tit. 21. s. 4] but this may be a different person from the jurist whose writings are excerpted in the "Pandects".


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