

The _de. Reihenschieber ( _en. Row Slider) was a hand cipher system used by Germany.who It was developed during 1957 and used until the early 1960s, although information about the system was released publicly only in 1992. The system was used to encrypt high-grade messages.

The device consists of a frame on which a set of "rods" are clipped: plastic square sticks containing a sequence of digits (0-9) and dots on each face. 10 rods are used, chosen out of a set of 26.

The _de. Reihenschieber generated a stream of pseudo-random digits.


* Michael van der Meulen: Reihenschieber, in "Cryptologia", Vol. 20(2), 1996, pp 141–154.

ee also

* Topics in cryptography

External links

* [ Information and a photograph] — by Jerry Proc

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