- Kolokol-1
KOLOKOL-1 (Russian "Колокол", eng. "bell") is an opiate-derived
incapacitating agent . Although the exact nature of the active chemical has not been revealed, in all likelihood it is a derivative of the drugfentanyl , possibly the extraordinarily potentcarfentanil or3-methylfentanyl . It takes effect very quickly, within one to three seconds, reportedly rendering its victims unconscious for two to six hours. Little else is known about this agent.According to
Lev Fyodorov , a former Sovietchemical weapon s scientist who now heads the independentCouncil for Chemical Security inMoscow , the gaseous agent was originally developed around a secret military research facility in Leningrad during the1970 s. Methods of dispersing it were later developed and tested by releasing harmless bacteria through subway system ventilation shafts first in Moscow and then inNovosibirsk . Fyodorov also claimed that leaders of the failedAugust 20 1991 Communist coup considered using the agent in the Russian parliament building. Goldiner, Dane. Weir, Fred. (October 29, 2002) [http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/31102p-29452c.html Gas looks like secret KGB tool] "New York Daily News"]Kolokol-1 was possibly the chemical agent used in the Moscow theater hostage crisis.
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