Sayed Kashua

Sayed Kashua

Sayed Kashua (1975- ) is an Arab author and journalist from Tira, Israel.


Sayed Kashua was born in Tira in the Triangle region of Israel. In 1990, he was accepted to a prestigious boarding school in Jerusalem. [ [ Straddling Cultures, Irreverently, in Life and Art - New York Times ] ] He studied sociology and philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Kashua lives with his wife and daughter in Beit Safafa, an Arab neighborhood in southern Jerusalem.

Literary career

Kashua writes satiric columns in Hebrew for "Haaretz" newspaper and a local Jerusalem weekly, "HaIr". In a humorous, tongue-in-cheek style, Kashua addresses the problems faced by Arabs in Israel, caught between two worlds. [ Native Speaker Lalami, Laila. Boston Review.]

While Kashua's two books have been praised by the Israeli press they have not been well-received by literary critics in the Arab world. [Kayyal, Mahmoud:Arabs Dancing in a New Light of Arabesques': Minor Hebrew Works of Palestinian Authors in the Eyes of Critics;' Middle Eastern Literatures (2008) p.47]


"Avoda Aravit" ("Arab Labor"), a satiric sitcom written by Kashua is broadcast on Israel television. A large part of the dialogue is in Arabic, with Hebrew subtitles. The show is about a young Arab couple, Amjad and Bushra, and their young daughter, who live in an Arab village on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Amjad is a journalist working for a Hebrew newspaper (much like Haaretz) who desperately seeks to assimilate into the prevailing Israeli Jewish cultural milieu with mixed and hilarious results. [ [ Straddling Cultures, Irreverently, in Life and Art - New York Times ] ] The show holds a mirror up to the racism and ignorance on both sides of the ethnic divide and has been compared with All in the Family.

Published works

*"Dancing Arabs" (2002)
*"Let it be Morning" (2006)


* [ Pulled through from fear] Sigrid Brinkmann, Germany Radio. 2005-06-21
* [ Books "Sayed Kashua"]

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