- Talabecland
Talabecland is a region in the Warhammer Fantasy
fictional universe . It is one of the largest provinces in the Empire and its capital city isTalabheim . The region of Talabeclad is defined by the river Stir to the South and the river Talabec to the north.The River Talabec
The river Talabec is named after
Taal the god of beasts. The river begins in the worlds edge mountains as two rivers, The Upper and Lower Talabec. The upper flows from southern Kislev whilst the lower flows from NorthernOstermark and Peak pass, the two forks converge in pine forest in the North of Ostermark. These forest carry an evil reputation as band of Orcs and beastmen regularly descend from the mountains to plunder the region. By the time it reaches the Urksoy in Northern Talabecland it is already a large river, its passes Talabheim and the borders of Hochland and flows past the Howling hills until it converges with the river Reik in Northern Reikland and from there flows towards the sea at Marienburg.History of Talabecland
Throughout its history in the Warhammer world Talabecland has been one of the more aggressive regions of the Empire and was largely responsible for the
time of the three Emperors When Countess Ottilia of Talabecland declared herself Empress, for the next few hundred years there were two Emperors one being the Elected Emperor and the ruling Elector of Talabecland. The situation came to a head when the Elector count of Middenheim declared himself Emperor and civil war ensued. The region has had many wars with neighboring provinces in the past as well.The Army of Talabecland
The Talabecland armies wear red and yellow uniforms and often consist of smaller numbers of elite soldiers rather than the larger armies fielded by other provinces. The Talabecland army has a reputation of being resolutely professional and competent upon the field of battle.
The Capital of Talabecland
The capital city of Talabecland is Talabheim, it is located inside of a massive crater. This makes a natural wall which has been reinforced with many towers and walls. It needs a 1000 man strong garrison at all times.
*Warhammer Armies: The Empire (2007) Games Workshop ISBN 1841547799
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